When should I use each log level in Android Studio?

There are different levels of log in Android Studio, which maybe, I say maybe, isn't much different in other IDEs.basically it's the different ways I can record a message in logcat. The types are VERBOSE,DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR and ASSERT.

What does each of these mean? In what situations should I use them?

Author: viana, 2017-03-14

1 answers

According to the official android studio help site, https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/am-logcat.html , follows translated:

In the record level menu, select one of the following values:

  • Verbose-shows all log messages (the default).
  • Debug-shows debug log messages that are only useful during development, as well as the lowest message levels in this list.
  • Info-shows log messages expected for regular use, as well as the lowest message levels in this list.
  • warn-shows possible problems that are not yet errors, as well as the lower message levels in this list.
  • error-shows problems that caused errors, as well as the lower message level in this list.
  • Assert-shows problems that the developer expects will never happen.

That's it...

Author: Armando Marques Sobrinho, 2017-03-14 14:51:14