Where can I find an example of an mvp implementation?

I started using the MVP design pattern in my practice. As I understand it, this pattern helps to port the application core to different platforms. So I would like to see an example of such an application, which is transferred to several platforms. I would like to see an example for cli and something from Android/Swing If there is such an opportunity to show step-by-step development.

Author: Jorik, 2019-03-08

1 answers

There are several articles on this topic regarding implementation: MVP https://javarush.ru/groups/posts/505-mvp-v-android-dlja-samihkh-malenjhkikh MVVM MMVC MVP etc https://habr.com/ru/post/344184/ Nades will help you. There are still many different articles about this, but these patterns, as I read, are most often used not as hard decisions, but as an approximate structure of the application, which is desirable to implement depending on its goals.

UPD: https://startandroid.ru/ru/blog/493-mvp-dlja-nachinajuschih-bez-bibliotek-i-interfejsov.html MVP ENG SWING https://riptutorial.com/swing/example/14137/simple-mvp-example

Author: AlexGin, 2019-03-09 14:33:22