Where is boot.ini windows 10/2016 located?

I want to edit the boot.ini file on the windows 2016(or windows 10) server, I can't find it, usually it should be on the C:\ drive (in later versions). command in cmd:

bootcfg /query
ERROR: Cannot open BOOT.INI file.

By default, this file is not present, if you just create it at the address C:The \boot.ini. file is ignored, apparently it is a relic of windows xp.

Where is this file located and what is its name?

Author: Paulo Berezini, 2017-02-01

2 answers

It is not located anywhere and is not called in any way.

See. help for BCDEdit.

Author: Akina, 2017-02-01 09:43:16

I can add to Akina's answer that instead of the standard console BCDEdit, it was much more convenient for me to use the free utility EasyBCD.

With its help, I easily configured dual-boot of different versions of Windows, which were initially installed separately on different disks.

Author: Vadzim, 2017-07-13 07:24:42