Where is static polymorphism implemented in the code?

The teacher asked the question, in which line of this code (C++) is static polymorphism implemented? The teacher also said that there is a static polymorphism in an implicit form.


  using namespace std;

  class pulsometer
  int pulse;
  int calories;
  int timer;
  void show_pulse(void);
  void show_calories(void);

  void show_timer() 
         cout << "Таймер: " << timer << endl;

  void start_timer()
        timer = 10;

  void pulsometer::show_pulse(void)

  pulsometer::pulse = rand() % 45 + 90;
  cout << "Пульс: " << pulse << endl;

  void pulsometer::show_calories(void)

  pulsometer::calories = rand() % 1000;
  cout << "Сожжено: " << calories << " ККал" <<  endl;

  int_tmain(intargc, _TCHAR* argv[])
         srand( time( 0 ) ); 
         pulsometer polar;



  return 0;
Author: Andrey Dudukin, 2016-11-15

2 answers

There is no polymorphism here: neither static nor dynamic. There is no inheritance, no overloaded functions, no template functions.

Polymorphism means many forms.

There is also one class - one form. Here there is only a static binding of class method calls to an object that has a static type of this class.

Author: Vlad from Moscow, 2016-11-15 11:41:20

In all such lines (the << operator is overloaded): cout << "Таймер: " << timer << endl;

Author: Igor, 2016-11-15 17:25:39