Where to fix open basedir?

Debian8 with VestaCP phpinfo shows the following data (domain name closed)

enter a description of the image here

It seems like they write that you need to edit httpd. conf but when searching in the system, it finds several of them:


Maybe these are the wrong files. Where is the local value of open_basedir set? Because the Master Value on the right is empty (no value)

Author: RoboNoob, 2016-10-01

1 answers

Open_basedir is set in the site config with vesta templates for the hosting and basedir site types, while in the config in the <Directory /home/admin/web/****> block, a parameter of the{[5] type is written]}

php_admin_value open_basedir /home/admin/web/***/

Vesta generates configs in the user's folder, for example, for the user admin


You can edit a specific config of a specific site, but when you recreate the user or WEB from the panel, these edits are imported from the template. The best solution is to test your edits and then edit the templates configs that lie here


Important clarification, editing via SFTP by third-party editors in Windows can break the template, so it is better to do it through mcedit, nano or other console editors.

Author: user5189, 2017-07-28 05:59:50