Why can't the CNC rule work in Bitrix?

There is a rule in urlrewrite.php

1 =>
        array (
            'CONDITION' => '#^/news/([0-9a-zA-Z-]+)/#',
            'RULE' => 'ELEMENT_CODE=$1',
            'ID' => '',
            'PATH' => '/news/detail.php',
            'SORT' => 100,

There is physically a /news folder and a file detail.php

In the setting of the URL pages of the news component, it is written #ELEMENT_CODE#

That is, at the address mysite.com/news/odna_novost I have to get to the file detail.php, but this rule doesn't work, and I see page 404.

And all the other rules from the file urlrewrite.php they work.

I tried to raise the rule higher in the file. Now it is the first in the array , it still does not help. What can I do it?

Author: Dmitriy, 2019-05-30

1 answers

If you add an underscore to the regular line then everything works:

'CONDITION' => '#^/news/([0-9a-zA-Z-_]+)/#',

But provided that the URL has a slash at the end of mysite.com/news/odna_novost/

If you don't need a slash at the end of the URL then remove it from the regular list:

'CONDITION' => '#^/news/([0-9a-zA-Z-_]+)#'

On the site, it is recommended to use one logic: either all pages have a slash at the end or not. So there will be no confusion and there will be no duplicate pages in search engines.

Alternatively, to add a slash at the end of all pages, / must be added to file .htaccess the following lines:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*/[^/\.]+)$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1/ [R=301,L]
Author: Qraxin, 2019-05-30 15:28:03