Why do we need and as method parameters

There is a function:

<R> Stream<R> map(Function<? super T, ? extends R> mapper);

It performs operations on the elements Stream and returns Stream with the resulting elements. We input the implementation of the functional interface, i.e. the method:

R apply(T t);

I'm doing it:


That is, if I understand correctly, instead of T, the type User is "substituted", instead of R, the type String. Then explain why you need super and extends in the parameters at all?

I understand what super T means: "T or any of its superclasses", extends R means "R or any of its subclasses"?

What is the advantage of T over super T, where can it be used? With the usual method, everything is clear (we can pass an instance of any superclass as a parameter), but with a parameter of the type of the functional interface, not very much.

After all, we just pass the implementation with specific T(User) and R(String), where can we use subclasses and superclasses?

Author: 0xdb, 2018-06-29

2 answers

Java generics are built on the idea of PECS (production-extends; consumer-super), i.e. the producer defines the upper bounds, and the consumer defines the lower bounds.

Then in Function where T is the input data, and R is the output data. It is often called mapping, since the input data is "mapped" to the output. Consider an example:

Function<String, Integer> fun = (str) ->

Here the input must be a string, and in the output we get an Integer. It turns out that in your version, the input was User, and the output we need to get the user's name.


On the contrary, the advantage of the ? super T type compared to T is that in the first case, objects of different types can be sent to the input of the function, which are either T or are a superclass of T. That is, we can't say that the type of the parameter is T. And also, we can't send objects that are inheritors of T, as a function parameter. In the second case, the type T is defined uniquely in the hierarchy, despite the fact that it is a generalized type, the heirs of {[1] are not accepted]} and he is not the heir of T.

Author: Roman C, 2018-06-29 12:35:09