phpMyAdmin does not work on Ubuntu 16.04.1

Install Ubuntu 16.04.1 on a computer and I'm trying to install a local server, already install Apache2, php, MySQL and Phpmyadmin. Opening the browser and entering the address localhost/phpmyadmin does not find the page.

Already look for options to fix the problem without success. Can someone provide me with information regarding the aforementioned problem.

Author: Eduardo Javier Maldonado, 2016-10-14

3 answers

To install phpmyadmin on Ubuntu 16.04 you must run:

apt-get install phpmyadmin

During the process you will be asked if you want to manage and install a database with dbconfig-common, after which you will ask the user key root of the database and a key (option, you can skip by pressing Enter to generate a random) for internal data of the application phpmyadmin and, finally, if you want to configure it on the server apache2 or lighttpd.

Will create a settings in /etc/apache2/conf-available/phpmyadmin.conf that you can enable or disable with the a2enconf phpmyadmin and a2disconf phpmyadmin, after which you must run a reload of the server configuration apache2 with the command service apache2 reload.

I recommend you run that command also after installing phpmyadmin or after modifying any configuration file of apache2, installing PHP modules, etc.

Remember to pre-install the server mysql-server or the execution of dbconfig-commmon will fail.

If by whatever reason you ignored any installation error message and want to repeat the process again, use the command dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin.

Author: OscarGarcia, 2016-10-14 10:34:24

Try following the steps in this video .

I had the same problem as you and there is a part of the video where it asks you to use the command:

sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/htmal/phpmyadmin 

After this you reload the search engine and the PHPMyAdmin page should appear indicating that your server is working.

Author: Esteban, 2017-10-13 05:17:31

More information is needed.

Can the server work with PHP? and / or have you already set up your MySQL root account?

If there is any configuration doubt, the following link will take you to an article in English that explains how to carry out the installation correctly: link

Regarding the installation of phpMyAdmin you can find it in the following link: link

Author: GustavoSL, 2016-10-14 09:38:40