Why don't I get registered emails from registered users to my email address?

There is a wordpress site with the Theme My Login plugin installed in the latest versions. On the registration page, when the user tries to register, an activation email does not arrive at the mailbox (I tried both test and gmail), although after entering the data, the standard

The registration was successful, but before you can log in, you need to confirm your e-mail address. Please check your email and follow the link in the letter.

I do not observe any errors. What can this be related to?

Author: Вася, 2016-10-06

1 answers

In the modern world, all emails must be sent via trusted SMTP servers, such as smtp.yandex.ru, smtp.google.com. Since hosting providers can block the PHP function mail(), for example, there are a lot of reasons for this, or your emails stupidly fall into spam for incorrect configuration. To use these SMTP services from yandex or google, it is enough to get a mailbox from the appropriate provider.

To set up all this stuff in WordPress, I recommend the WP Mail plugin SMTP

Author: mihdan, 2016-10-18 16:02:51