Why is outgoing port 1433 closed? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.

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Hello. I need to connect to remote sql servers, but I need port 1433 for this. For some reason, it blocked me. Added a pass for this port in the firewall, even disabled it firewall, but this particular port does not go to the network. I tested it via a telnet request. Can it be because of the provider and what can be done in this case? I'm trying to pull this off from a computer running win 7 with a static ip. Thanks!

Author: Eriendel, 2013-06-28

1 answers

It turns out that they have already answered in the comments, I did not see it.
But I'll leave it anyway, maybe it will be useful for someone.
• • • • • •
see netstat
it will show the port and who uses it-by the process ID, if 0, then this is the system.
From this, I think, we should proceed.

Author: I_CaR, 2013-06-30 09:22:38