Windows Server Configuration (wamp) for different applications with subdomains [closed]

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I am developing PHP / Laravel applications and need to configure a local server to access different directories from the same domain, as in the examples below: ac > access an application x ac > access an application y

Since I have no experience with Windows Server configuration or freedom to configure how I find it most appropriate, I need to adapt to what was provided:

Windows Server, running wamp with different directories for each laravel application.

Any light?

Author: Thiago Maciel, 2019-11-13

1 answers

Opa, I'm using wamp too, take your project(application) folder and put inside the "WWW" folder inside the Wamp server folder, it's located in the local disk C:\wamp64\www

Put the AI folder inside, then you go to the browser and type: localhost/your_past/your_application.php

Author: jorge_luiz_prof_iniciante, 2019-11-13 10:25:46