Wordpress, contact info & map Widget (jetpack)

I need to fix an error within wordpress, at this time I have installed the theme Flat Bootstrap,and the same does not have the option Widget Info of Contact & map, this I downloaded by JetPack, but I had to change a code to work the UTF-8 because the characters were incorrect, accents where there are etc..

I made the following Change;


Changed as the course teaches and by a code

Characters will work and this all correct, but I checked that my photos of the slide disappeared and only the phrase remained.

I redo all the steps and still the same error continues, I removed the widget and the images did not come back, what should I do?

In the console is pointing an error in css.

The site is https://unpraising-runway.000webhostapp.com /

Author: Alberty Lucas, 2018-08-29

1 answers

Good Night,

Ever looked at the browser console and apache log to check if it is flagging something ?

Is a bit complicated and help without seeing the code, more of a f12 and looks in the console if there is any error at the time of the JS generate the slide.

Questions I am available.

Author: JĂșlio Rossato, 2018-08-30 01:02:45