Working with google Maps

In a conversation with one of the developers, he told me the "plot":

There is a static recyclerview with many categories where data is stored in the device. After selecting a category, it is replaced by a fragment of Maps, from where the database fills in the map by sorting parameters.

My thoughts:

I suggested that it is still better to click on each item in the list in RecyclerView to open the activity that will contain map.

Secondly, for each category, it would be correct to fill in the map with the parameters using the database, but since it is still difficult for me to write from scratch, I would like to resort to the help of services. And I came across the following: Parse(which I understand closes on January 27), Azure(I can't say anything about it), well, the favorite in my opinion FireBase(which many people are now trying to implement in their applications, because with it you can serve apps on the ce 100%).

Approaching the idea, I conclude that I need to somehow store the data in JSON and then parse it. Perhaps there are comments/tips, please join the discussion.

I am just starting to delve into working with maps, so I will be extremely happy to use any useful resources and examples.

Author: Morozov, 2016-11-07

2 answers

Well, that's right. You store the Json on the FireBase server, read it, and pass the description and coordinates to the map activity on a click. At home, I did just that. The only thing is that FireBase has limited free rates.

Author: Романыч, 2018-10-05 04:44:33

1 question: it is more logical to start a new activity if it should look like a transition to a new screen. Your case implies this. 2 question: (I may not have fully understood the question correctly) the selection of data from the database should be according to the parameters

Author: pavel163, 2016-11-07 13:07:36