How to read a specific amount of data or lines in Python?

I have a file .lis , .txt or .csv and I need to take from this only a quantity of data or lines and omit the other data, that I only take the data that is between those lines or desired words; or rather how do I identify the word or line and that from this show me the lines or data to another word or line where it will end?

So far I have only been able to read the file with this code:

abrir = open('clase1.lis','r')
while True:
      linea = abrir.readline()
      if not linea: break
      print linea 

Another way that there was tried was:

abrir = open('clase1.lis','r')
for q in abrir:
    print q

And others other than what they do is show me the whole file or print me all the data on the screen. But as I said above I only need a block of that file. The file is very large.

Author: DaxTter77, 2016-03-31

4 answers

If the file is large, you should read it line by line instead of loading the entire file into memory. For example with the following archivo.txt:

Hola me llamo Cesar
Soy de Lima
Me gusta Python
Hola me llamo Juan
Yo no soy de Lima
Odio Python
Hola me llamo Jose
Vivo cerca a Lima
Nunca he usado Python

And looking for the keyword Lima, you can get all the lines where that condition is met:

palabra = 'Lima'
ocurrencias = []
with open('archivo.txt') as lineas:
    for linea in lineas:
        if palabra in linea:
print ocurrencias

Or something more compact using filter:

palabra = 'Lima'
ocurrencias = filter(lambda line: palabra in line, open('archivo.txt').readlines())
print ocurrencias

For both cases the result will be a list with the lines found:

['Soy de Lima\n', 'Yo no soy de Lima\n', 'Vivo cerca a Lima\n']
Author: César, 2016-03-31 17:00:19

Let's try a little trick: every file object behaves like a iterator, with which you can loop the file line by line. To get the text between two lines (n,m) you can use the iterator utilities of the module itertools:

import itertools

with open("datos.txt") as data:
    texto = itertools.islice(data, n, m)

    for linea in texto:

If you are looking for occurrences of palabra in some lines:

import itertools

with open("datos.txt") as data:
    ocurrencias = (linea for linea in data if palabra in linea)

    for linea in ocurrencias:

Even combine both:

import itertools

with open("datos.txt") as data:
    texto = itertools.islice(data, n, m)
    ocurrencias = (linea for linea in texto if palabra in linea)

    for linea in ocurrencias:
Author: ChemaCortes, 2016-04-01 00:42:01

Assuming you have in your file .csv with content:

Los Angeles,34°03'N,118°15'W

You can create a function to extract the records with the content you want

lista = [];

def buscaPalabra(str, file):       
    for line in file:        
        for part in line.split():            
            if str in part:                
    return lista

For example when searching for "Colombia"

file = open('C:\Data\datos.csv','r')
print buscaPalabra("Colombia", file)

You would get the matches of "Colombia":

['Colombia,12°43'46?N,54°02'11?W \n', 'Colombia,32°42'36?N,34°04'21?W \n']
Author: Jorgesys, 2016-03-31 22:59:39

Query, the result I get when searching a txt is as follows:

['Usuario: carlos.lopez\r\n', 'gital<br><br>Usuario: carlos.carus<br><br>BP: 1378704 <br><br>CUIL: 2025201=\r\n'] 

What I would need is that in this case it stays in a carlos variable.lopez in another variable 1378704 and in another the cuil, can you help me with this?

The code is as follows:

    lista = [];
    file = open('archivo.txt','r')

def buscaPalabra(str, file):       
    for line in file:        
       for part in line.split():            
            if str in part:                
    return lista
print buscaPalabra("Usuario:", file)
Author: Ricardo Ferradas, 2018-05-24 14:40:53