Writing an RPG using C# and XNA in 3D

The question is definitely noob, but since it appears so often on the web, I would like to put everything together in one place.

I suggest that you start with what you need to learn to write this, along the way I will ask questions that interest me at a certain stage. I hope that the sensei will help to understand this issue once and for all. Perhaps I'll start the list, I'm waiting for practical advice on where to go, what to study and other tips. Please do not write negative responses that do not carry the semantic load.

  1. C#
  2. Creating a concept document (everything that will describe the gameplay)

Let's say I know C# (in fact, I'm not familiar with C++ at a super level, but I know something + I read " CLR via C#" in Russian).

There is a certain idea for an RPG, a certain story, ideas, etc.

What now? I mean, even knowing all this, I have little idea how it should be written. More or less I understand that there should be separate engines, but neither how to do it I have no idea how exactly it should interact. Maybe there is some kind of programming pattern here? If so, tell me the name.

Author: Nofate, 2012-05-26

3 answers

If you decide to write games in C# for XNA, then XNA is a game engine for creating 2D and 3D games for Windows, mobile phones with Windows Phone OS and the XBox-360 console. Therefore, you need to study books and video tutorials on XNA, to begin with, I can recommend reading the book: S. G. Gornakov - Development of games for Windows in XNA Game Studio Express, it can be downloaded from one of the references: http://forcoder.ru/multimedia/razrabotka-igr-pod-windows-v-xna-game-studio-express-824 http://progbook.ru/c-sharp-net/834-gornakov-razrabotka-igr-pod-windows-v-xna-game.html and also watch video tutorials on XNA at the link: http://www.techdays.ru/videos/XNA you will need to register there, this is a technology training site from Microsoft. And if you are not familiar with C# - read in parallel with the study of XNA book: Herbert Schildt, " The Complete Guide to C#" - it's easy to find and download, search for we need the latest issue for 2011. It describes the C# language in a good accessible way, with examples on each topic. This is what the book cover looks like: http://www.razym.ru/94766-gerbert-shildt-c-40-polnoe-rukovodstvo.html Schildt has several books - you need the latest version of C#

Author: dmail1976, 2012-05-26 05:43:18

Benjamin Nietzschke Professional game programming with XNA for Windows and Xbox 360 http://netlib.narod.ru/library/book0052/index.htm

Author: Vladi-mir, 2012-07-08 19:09:23