Nodejs or flash solution for live video streaming!

Hello, I have posted several messages on the subject but I still did not get a definitive solution, I need to do streamingLive video and that the player that will transmit runs in any browser (possibly html5), I have tried WebRTCand works well, but only runs in chrome and firefox, nothing Internet explorer...Now I'm trying to use NodeJs and everything works fine on my local node (localhost/ but when I go send the data to the server nothing connect on my ip, I use the live Internet in SP and they release 2 ports a 51005 and a 14330, with the 51005 when I will connect I get the error 401-Unauthorized, and the 14330 the problem is that the message "not implemented" appears when I connect in the browser, this port 14330 I read that it is only for torrent access and does not connect servers, now I'm after a solution that runs on 3 browsers (ie, chrome and firefox) or run the nodejs on the Live Internet !!!

Anyone ???

I accept a suggestion in Flash (Action script) also, I found nothing about streaming video in flash...

Author: Alan PS, 2014-06-23

2 answers

Like everything in life, it's a matter of choice.

If you really want to support IE, there is no use using Node, after all your problem is not in the backend but in the front.

In a very short answer, the only way to handle the situation is by using Flash + some media server. It can be Red5 or AMS.

My suggestion is to take a look here: / which is probably the best service you can have for a reasonable price.

Author: bribeiro, 2014-09-03 23:28:10

If you need to expose on the internet a service that runs on a machine of your local network, I suggest using something like /

"PageKite makes local websites or SSH servers publicly accessible in mere seconds, and works with any computer and any Internet connection. It's also 100% Open Source."

Simple like this:

$ curl -s |sudo bash
$ 80 

Access / from anywhere =)

Author: Daniel Neis Araujo, 2015-12-24 02:23:23