you need to install libraries like numpy and others using pip install

I installed Python 3.9 64-bit version and I need to add different libraries. I understand I have a problem with path. If you enter{[1] in the panel]}

C:\Users\пк>pip install numpy comes out

" pip " is not an internal or external command, executable program, or batch file.

I don't see how this can be solved. Please tell me.

Author: JF_01, 2020-11-30

2 answers

In Windows, it looks like you need to run "py-m pip".
Try: py -m pip install numpy.

If it doesn't work:
With a fairly new pip python, the idea is does not need to be installed separately.
Check for pip: py -m pip --version
If not, try installing via ensurepip: python -m ensurepip --upgrade

Author: Alexey Loskutov, 2020-11-30 16:24:03
  1. Reinstall python imho the easiest option.
  2. The harder option is to add pip to the path variable.
    Pip is located in the c python directory in the Scripts folder, and we need to add it to Path. Next, click Start-Settings-About - Advanced System settings (column on the right) - Environment variables-find the Path and click the edit button-add the path to the Scripts folder. In my case, this is C:\Python\Python38\Scripts. The path depends on the python installation.
Author: Kers, 2020-11-30 16:34:23