
Create a shortcut on the desktop after running the executable file

You need to create a shortcut .the exe file on the desktop after launching the application. Once or with overwriting it is al ... he project, add a link. In the COM section, set the flag next to Windows Script Host Object Model. Then my process stalled.

How to create a web socket client in C#?

I have a server in php and a WebSocket client in js in the browser. How to create a connection socket with the same server in C# via the tcp protocol? I use the standard library System. Net. WebSockets.

Serializing and Deserializing C#

There is a certain class that needs to be serialized, i.e. get an array of bytes into a variable. What ways can this be done? ... int A { get; set; } public double B { get; set; } public string C { get; set; } private Int64 D { get; set; } }

Translation of bool[64] to ulong

I have a bool [64] array that needs to be moved to ulong first. I tried for half a day, but it didn't work out. And please write an explanation

How do I get the original image orientation available from the URL?

The task is to display the image correctly (horizontally or vertically) depending on its EXIF data. Currently, the server r ... m? What are your ideas? It would be great to see a piece of the implementation if the orientation was defined on server side

Synchronous vs await Task.Run() call for CPU-bound operations.Net

Many recommend, like here, to use Task. Run() for Cpu-bound operations. The article on the link says that Task. Run() should ... to call the method synchronously? I do not mean the cases with WinForms and WPF, where the calling thread can be a UI thread.

What is the difference between object code and bytecode?

I can not understand in any way if in .If cil code is used, then it is bytecode or object code, if it is object code, then there is also such a linking process, or it is also present with bytecode

Java, C / C++, C# developer-hardware requirements [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... . How many times I tried to code on a laptop-I don't pull a fig, just like on office typewriters. Who has what - we share it!

C# csharp analog of system() from c++

Such an analogue of system (char*) so that you can do this: system("dir");system("ls"); system("mkdir papka & cd papka") ... t"); system("pause"); system("g++ main.cpp -std=c++14 -O2"); In general, using cmd and not just running what is in the line

Determine if 3 points lie on the same straight line on C#

It is necessary to determine whether any 3 points from the set lie on 1 straight line. The problem is that the coordinates of ... ] - y[i])) - ((x[j] - x[i]) * (y[k] - y[i]))==0) { The coordinates are written in two lists.

C# how to read text из.docx through a stream

The problem occurs precisely with .docx files, files .txt through StreamReader are read quite easily. Here is the method: p ... return TextForEditor = reader.ReadToEnd(); } } How to fix it? do I have to use some third-party library?

Remove the use of unsafe code

Is it possible to rewrite the method without using unsafe code? public static void ReplaceM(MethodBase src, MethodBase dest) ... { uint* d = (uint*)destAdr.ToPointer(); *d = *((uint*)srcAdr.ToPointer()); } } }

How do I add rows to a table in word (OpenXML)?

Generated a sample document in the word. Added a table header and a few rows. I got the c# code using the OpenXML SDK2. 0 pro ... s in the desired form and place in the word document. Actually, this is the question, how to dynamically add rows to a table?

Conversion матриц.NET

Hello everyone. Task. Given a matrix: of size [m,m], create a new matrix in which the k-th row and n-th column are cut (n an ... ut the question is, how to optimize it or solve the problem in a different way is not so trivial? Thank you all in advance.

Calculate and output the number of elements of the side diagonal of the matrix matrix, the value of which is a multiple of 3

Explain how this is done in c#: Calculate and output the number of elements of the side diagonal of the matrix matrix, the va ... unter++; } Console.Write($"Количесто кратныx элементов: {counter}\n"); }

IIS Express does not start again in Visual Studio 2019

In general, there is a website that I run in Visual Studio. The first time everything clearly starts, and if you restart th ... u set the Project URL to the same port as the project that starts repeatedly, then everything is clear... Why can this be so?

Why is the Popup not positioned correctly?

Redefined the standard template MenuItem. The child element MenuItem'a" About the program "Guess yourself" is positioned like ... enuScrollViewer}"/> </Trigger>--> </ControlTemplate.Triggers> </ControlTemplate>

What to choose: NUnit vs xUnit?

What is the difference between NUnit and xUnit.net? What's the point of developing two, not one: I see that xUnit is being d ... rsion based on xUnit In general, where is the truth? Free translation of the question NUnit vs xUnit? from member @Ruslan.

Console in C# - Command Handler!

Good day, gentlemen! Help the noob) C#code: List<string> cmds = new List<string>(); { Console.Write("Hello> ... s case or in case of successful execution of the command to return to the Console.Write ("Hello>"); and continue working?