
Proper htaccess caching

Now in htaccess it is written something like ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 week" This solution has a clear drawback - if I su ... ease give as detailed an answer as possible(or with links to sources, any language).) This is only about client-side caching.

Resource interpreted as Stylesheet but transferred with MIME type text/html: "http://site.ru/page/param"

Hello, what can be the problem when I set the parameter http://site.ru/page/param in param or I put an additional slash on th ... <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/style.css"> Apache server, in .htaccess stands Options -Multiviews

How do I change the root directory of a site?

There is a hosting service, cPanel is on it, I installed laravel and CMS built on this framework there. The final touch tha ... not find the ability to change the root directory of the site, maybe there is a way to do this in .htaccess or in httpd.conf?

Redirect problem

The site is written to redirect all pdf files from the root of the site to the directory docs RewriteRule ^([^/]+).pdf /docs ... t, such as site.com/docs/pdf/qwerty.pdf, redirects to site.com/docs/docs.pdf How do I make an exception for this folder?

How to redirect from new.php on new?

site.com/new.php it doesn't look as nice as site.com/new This rule doesn't want to work RewriteRule ^new$ new.php [L,QSA] ... iteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/game/page/1$ RewriteRule ^.*$ http://site.com/game? [R=301,L] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ error.php [L,QSA]

What does the RewriteCond directive mean?

What does this - RewriteCond mean in Apache? And more specifically, this means, if it is not difficult, put it on the shelve ... {REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d What does this mean? - If the directory or file requested in the URL exists, we access it directly.

EDIT index.html in the root of the wordpress site instead of index.php

I'm a frontend developer, I'm making a one-page project, and my budget is limited... I know Wordpress, but not enough to do ... age specifically with its own empty header and footer and write it in php so that it robs index.html in the root of the site?

Problem with. htaccess (Options-Indexes)

Project structure: /var/www/html/mvc app/ public/index.php .htaccess In ... es FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Require all granted </Directory> ... IncludeOptional sites-enabled/*.conf

How to resolve a file.htaccess?

If I add a file .htaccess, then the site crashes, the browser displays: Internal Server Error The server encountered ... ve done that may have caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log.


There is a standard clean Laravel 5.x project installed on XAMPP and located in the htdocs(localhost) directory. There are.ht ... ject to be hosted in the "folder" subdirectory. How folder/will look like in this case.htaccess and folder/public/. htaccess?

How to configure it.htaccess for automatic site translation to https?

Added an SSL certificate to the site. Now you need to have any access to the site via http: automatically translated to https ... ex.php?page=test&act=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^test/replay/([0-9A-Za-z]+)/$ index.php?page=test&replay=$1 [L] ... works.

How to remove the name of any of the controllers from the URL in Yii2

There is such a urlManager 'urlManager' => [ 'enablePrettyUrl' => true, 'showScriptName' => false, 'rules' => ... e more of them in the raging one. how can I make all of them look like this type of URL? mysite.ru/(any of the actions here)?

The requested URL was not found on this server apache2/ubuntu

There is a form and a controller.They're all right. I can't configure apache2 to see the files. Tried using apache2. conf=> ... IR}/error.log CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined </VirtualHost> I don't know what to do, please tell me.

Error redirecting directory pages in Bitrix after switching to https

I ran into a problem: after writing in .htaccess a redirect from http to https, the internal pages of the catalog are redirec ... "ID" => "bitrix:news", "PATH" => "/news/index.php", ) ); ?> The potsient itself: http://vsevizy.by

in OpenCart, the main page does not work after activating SeoPro

OcStore after activating SeoPro, the product pages work fine, and during the transition to the main page, the error ... basedir none =================================== Screen-htaccess screen-ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS What could be the problem?

Why does the 301st redirect from HTTP to HTTPS not work?

In .htaccess registered redirect: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} =of RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L] However, when accessing the site via http, there is no redirect to https. What else could be the reason?

Help with. htaccess: yii2 + angular 7

My current one .htaccess for yii2 Options +FollowSymLinks IndexIgnore */* RewriteEngine on ... he controller api "https://домен/api/" I.e. redirect everything except !^api on index.html (and files), keeping yii2 working