
I have a bot code in Python, how can I add a keyboard there

There is a bot for vk written in Python, I want after the command "Hello", the keyboard was called, but I do not understand h ... message": "Не понял тебя!", "random_id": random.randint(1, 2147483647)}) except Exception as E: time.sleep(1)```

The Python 3.8 bot for VK just writes messages like that

I wrote a bot for vk, but for some reason, he writes to everyone in a row, although he did not write anything Code: import ... d, random_id=event.random_id, message='Я вас не понимаю.\nНапишите «ТЗ»' )

js I can't configure the discord bot to assign a role to new members in any way

I've been doing this myself recently, so I wrote something... I searched all the documentation, but I didn't find a clear sol ... == "Guest")); ^ TypeError: is not a function

Viber bot PHP-how to disable the age limit?

From a deep link to the bot, I try to pass a parameter. viber://pa?chatURI=&context=params&text=Start When you click ... e limit (18+), which is set by default and I can not disable it (the switch does not respond)! I don't understand why. Help!

Steam Trading Bot in Python

What libraries are there for interacting with the Steam marketplace for Python? Which one should I choose? I know that most of these bots are written in node.js, I would like to know if it is possible to do this using only python

C# Exception (failed to create secure SSL/TLS channel)

I tried it on two servers, the result is the same.. Before that, everything worked perfectly! on the evening of 06.02, this ... Console.WriteLine($"Hello, World! I am user {me.Id} and my name is {me.FirstName}."); botClient.OnMessage += Bot_OnMessage;

discord.js How to change the bot status every 5 seconds

I want to change the status of the bot with an interval of 5 seconds , that is, first, looks, then plays, then listens. I tr ... tInterval(()=>{ {client.user.setPresence({ game: { name: ` /help `, type: 'LISTENING'} })}; }, 2500) } );

telegram bot api. How do I disable the standard keyboard (Java)?

I write in Java. Is there a way to disable the standard keyboard in the telegram bot api? So that the user can't enter anything other than the options from ReplyKeyboardMarkup ?

I want to make a link to the discord server, but the link is not clickable. What to do?

I want to make a link to the discord server, but the link is not clickable. What to do? My code: @bot.command() async def hel ... альный сервер бота', value='[Клик](', inline=False) await ctx.send(embed=embed)```

HTML+Python text input [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... here any ways to implement this? This should look similar to the bots from I will be very grateful for your help

Bot, Python, Discord - does not connect to the voice channel

I recently tried to connect to the voice channel in the discord result: It does not write errors, but the bot does not connec ... nnel await client.join_voice_channel(channel)'ODAzMjEyMDYyNDczNzE1NzUy.YA6fhg.wZbKolXSraQ2gVPupu0W8HixaD8')

Economic bot Discord TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

I write an economic bot on discord here is the code: import discord from discord.ext import commands import sqlite3 from con ... nds.errors.CommandInvokeError: Command raised an exception: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable Please help me

how do I make a discord music bot based on a song name in python?

I started learning discord bots on python and wanted to make a music bot. I could only do it by following the link from YouTu ... track' is not a valid URL. Set --default-search "ytsearch" (or run youtube-dl "ytsearch:gta5soundtrack" ) to search YouTube

How do I make this script for Cheapshot?

Guys, I need some help! There is AutoTouch on iOS. The language uses Java and the essence of the bot is simple. When you ente ... e experience and so on in the loop until the user himself stops this process. P. S on the main goal of the script, enlarged

Please explain what is optional in (or even in python) and how to solve the problem

I want to create a text feed with a command in a specific category. I did everything, but I can't add it to the category. I s ... w what it is. Documentation: Thank you

Search for images using the command

I need help from you. I would like to find out how to write code for a bot that, at the command, for example. cat, looked for a picture with cats and sent it to the chat. I googled about it, but I didn't find anything that I understood.

Building a route based on incomplete data

Please tell me an adequate algorithm for finding the path(or at least where to look). There is a 2d scene(more precisely, a s ... up(this is not difficult). Remember the entire area(it is possible that the generation will be repeated after all) Neyronka?!

The bot does not see the command in the discord chat

Good afternoon, I created a bot for the discord chat, uploaded it to the server. According to the idea, the bot should be aft ... } }); bot.login(token);``` [![][1]][1] [1]:

Saving photos from custom VkLongPoll Python attachments

Hello! I'm trying to make a bot, I need to get an image from the user, and save it in a file. At the moment I can't get a lin ... vailable with group auth. Question - how to log in to the bot correctly, and how to write the photo to a file in the future?

Connecting a VK bot to Wikipedia

Good time of day, I recently tried to connect my vk bot to the wikipedia module, but I didn't figure out how to do it. Here i ... r_id, message='Вот что я нашёл: \n' + str(wikipedia.summary(event.text)) ) break