
Remote auto-installation of apps on android

You need to implement remote auto-installation of applications on android, on average about 5-10 applications. For the manage ... fact, it will be a kind of backdoor, which does not sound very good, and I do not know if I can somehow use adb in msfvenom.

I can't establish an adb connection via wifi with OPPO CPH1909

I have no way to establish a remote wifi connection via adb with OPPO CPH1909. I connect the phone via usb, specify tcpip 5 ... is established and held successfully. Perhaps you have encountered a similar problem? (USB debugging, of course, is enabled)

ADB can't see the phone

I use the operating system Kali Linux. I tried to connect the phone to Android Studio and to ADB directly. Debugging mode via ... e sees it. I tried to modify the file /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules, tried something else, but did not achieve anything.

Real-time Debug Android Unity

ADb set up how to make sure that when you start the game in the editor, it immediately opens it in the phone, that is, I pressed Play and unity, and the game started through debugging on the phone and the actions were repeated:

adb no devices list does not see devices

I use cardova to create a mobile app. The problem is emulating the app on the phone. The adb utility does not see my device. ... nstalled. In adb_usb_ini, I registered the device ID, but it didn't help. What to do, how to get the adb to see the device?

USB debugging does not work

Faced with a problem, the phone name is not displayed in Android Studio, although the status is Online. It is also impossible to install the app, because for some unknown reason, the phone's SDK is equal to 1.

Code::Blocks + Android NDK

How to cross properly Code::Blocks + Android NDK so that the debag also works (pass to ADB?). Perhaps there is a manual, or a ... this topic, there is very little.. except to mention that it's possible. P.S. please do not offer to install Android Studio.