
Space occupied between different types of integers

By the table of official MySQL documentation, and a question here in the SOpt, a doubt arose. Considering the table: L ... n disk space? If you don't" Reserve "this space, how does it" increase " afterwards? does this change from bank to bank?

Problem with valgrind and dynamic allocation in C++

I have a program somewhat larger than this, I have selected the part that I can not solve, are errors that seem unfounded, I ... (N1), numbers that, in another part of the project, will serve to take an average according to the selected aggregation key.

Dynamic allocation in C++

I was learning a little more about dynamic allocation in C++ on the internet, and a code from a teacher caught my eye. Is a ... caught my attention was that this code does not would it be invading memory since only a space of 2 bytes has been allocated?

How to pass a dynamically allocated struct to a function in C?

The program must dynamically allocate the struct and pass it as a parameter. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h& ... p;escolha); if(escolha==0) break; } printar(cadastro, N); free(cadastro); return 0; }

Accessing the allocation makes Program stop working

I'm having a problem accessing a struct of subscribers typedef struct Inscrito { char nome[50]; float cadastro; ... to show the code until the end (I already tried to pass the subscribed pointer to the function and gave the same error)

Is it always good to deallocate memory before a "abrupt" exit of the program with the call of the exit function?

When I was starting to learn pointers and dynamic memory allocation in C, I was told that all memory allocated in the program ... ion, where in the event of an error would a call to exit() be required? Is it recommended to do a deallocation before exit()?

Recognize the 'enter' key in C

I am trying to make a code that prints only the third stop of a typed string, but my program is endless, how to recognize the ... }while(letra!=' '); i++; printf("%d", (int)letra); }while ((int)letra!=10); free(texto); return 0; }

How to print a list in C?

/* define a struct TAD lista */ struct lista { float info; /* dado */ struct lista *prox; /* ponteiro para ... m = t; } } lista.c above Oque I want is just take the lista_imprime function and put it in main, but I'm not getting

Pseudo-object orientation in C and dynamic allocation

I am trying to make a minefield in c using ncurses.h and when I go to make the vector of "bomb objects" Linux says it can't f ... amount) { for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { mvwprintw(win, bomb[0]->y, bomb[0]->x, "O"); } }

Hello, I'm trying to do a data structures exercise in c, but there is an error and I can't find it. Follows the utterance and the code

4. Write, in C a system for registering and viewing students. / / / to store all students, implement a dynamic vector of po ... printf("%s %s %s %s \n", &dados->nome, &dados->matricula, &dados->nascimento, &dados->rg); } }

Problem with perfect number in C

I'm having trouble showing if the number is perfect, when I put 6 it says it's not perfect, and I can only use pointer and dy ... Um número perfeito\n", *number); } else { printf("%d Não é um número perfeito", *number); } return 0; }

Error when deallocating array-double free or corruption C

Hello, I'm making a program to rotate an array, which after allocating performs the rotation function, and then deallocates t ... in the case, the cop Matrix), x and y is the size of the Matrix necessary for the image to be rotated. Theta = 90º as example

Handling batteries in C

I am a beginner in C and have the following exercise: The parking lot here contains a single mall that holds up to ten ... to, &carro, placaAux, manobraAux); } } If anyone can help with any tips on how to proceed, I appreciate it.