
How do I decode a base64 string?

Here is the code: $str = 'DQogICAgT1BFTCBBc2NvbmEsIDEuNtC7INC60LDRgNCxLiwg0YbQsi4g0YHQtdGA0YvQuSwg0LvRjtC6LCDRgtC40YLQsNC90L7 ... MDMyMQ=='; echo base64_decode($str); It seems everything is correct, but there is nothing at the output(( How is it treated?

Storing avatars in base64 in files

Hello everyone How about converting photos to base64 when uploading files, and saving the code to the same file, and then loa ... tars is not more than 50-70 kb, the dimensions are 200x200. There will also be 50-100 avatars per page. Does this make sense?

Question about python and base64 encoding

Hi everyone, I have a question. I was writing the code, and it was supposed to get a link to the image. But this link was, as ... de(a) print(b) png_recovered = b.decode('UTF-8') return png_recovered image = abstract('Andrei') print(image)

base64/UTF-16LE decoding in C

My problem is trying to decode a utf-16 encoded string that has been encrypted in base64. The result of such decoding is alwa ... har *)malloc(dest_size); memset(dest,0,dest_size); base64decode(source, dest, dest_size); printf("Decode: %s", dest); }

Sending a captcha to the antigate service (java). ERROR ZERO CAPTCHA FILESIZE ERROR

Hello, I want to send a captcha to the antigate service, I use the post and base64 method as stated in the documentation - ht ... String encodedCaptcha=encodeToString(img, "jpg"); String key="123456789"; sendPost(key,encodedCaptcha); } }

SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal

This is the code: mycode = """ def set_env_variables(user, toImpersonate=False): template_path = { 'APPDATA' ... e(secret) eval(compile(mydecode,'<string>','exec')) res = a + b + c print res #134 выводит, сценарий не выдает ошибок.

How to save a base64 image in SQL and save it locally as PNG

I need to know if it is possible to save a base64 image in SQL and then retrieve it and save it locally as PNG or JPEG. I alr ... rowsers this difficult so I would like to know if it is possible and easier using SQL? The idea would be to use a procedure.

Convert image to base64 with IonicFramework

Is there any library that allows converting images to base64 with the Ionic framework ? I tried to use the angular-base64-u ... rks: I want to get the uploaded image both from the camera with the Cordova , as well as the image gallery of Android .

How to save Base64 in ImageFiled Django/data: image/jpeg; base64,?

I'm trying to save a base64 image in my model, but not succeed. My code is; Model: class Image(models.Model): img = ... R46pSILZeLlcygCR16ZbvCMCLHZckMtJStN1Q9jixYpU4Q1Dlkw4PUXFoeX9y3VHmJyWkf1J7VixYpT8g63cecoUATZOLFiywI/9k= Can anyone help me?

How to pass Int to Base64 in PHP?

Base64 can store 6 bits for each character used. Assuming we are using int64 or uint64 we use 64 bits, which could be represe ... value using the binary.BigEndian.Uint64 after the decode of Base64. Which way could I get the same result as Golang in PHP?

How to convert to base64 in C#?

I'm using WebForms. There is a certain part of this application where I send, through Ajax, a base64 string, which is the cod ... a base64 in C # (and vice versa)? I do not know if it is duplicated, I did not find anything referring to this on the site

Decode data in Base64

I am working with metadata from an image extracted in Json format. One such data is a binary string base64 . I read in a docu ... t . Is there any way to decode them and send them to an array automatically? The solutions I tried are all for 8-bit values.

Base64 verification?

I'm doing an email application(HapiJS) and found that some emails have their text encoded to base64, but others don't. In th ... e.log('base64'); } else { // false if not in base64 formate console.log('String'); }

Android-string in Base64 decode to pdf

Hello, The purpose is to decode a string in Base64 and move to PDF format and open ( no need to download to Android Device ... ng.getBytes (StandardCharsets.UTF_8); What I changed (correct) Byte [] pdfStream = Base64.decode (base64String, 0);

Problem decrypting hash in Base64

I was reading about an apache rule for validating permissions to access files / directories , and I saw that the default fil ... uses utf8 and linux not by default). Is there any way to find out how it was encoded and its encoding? Hash: zuQCCnEXtTamg

Is using MD5 the safest way to encrypt passwords in PHP? [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... w much about, what I most see is the use of MD5. Is using MD5 to encrypt passwords the safest way? If not, which one to use?

How to insert an image inside a CSS file?

I use a program here in the company that in its web module it has its logo inserted directly in CSS something like: #logo img{ max-width:100%; background-image: 'data|base64=acSs....'; } How do I create this kind of background myself?

How to calculate XML DigestValue?

When signing some XML, the subscriber generates the DigestValue tag containing a Hash. I can generate digest value with a di ... thm, then I turn the encryption return to Base64 the base64 return should be the correct hash, but a different hash comes.

TypeError: Cannot read property ' 1 ' of null

I am having this problem and have no idea how to solve, I want to save images to Azure Storage const blobSvc = azure.create ... tand to solve, and the error message: TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of null Doesn't help much, can anyone help?

Ionic-transform image from base64 to JPG

I'm making an app and I need to send an image to an api. But I have the image only in base64 and need it in jpg. Does anyone ... ss') }; const data: Observable<any> =`${this.API_URL}/picture/upload`, body); return data; }