
How do I convert a byte[] array to a CharSequence?

You need to write a class AsciiCharSequence that implements storing a sequence of ASCII characters in an array of bytes. Comp ... s ranging from start to end. For example, String s0 = "Вова и Дима козлы"; s0.subSequence(14,16) Must return "evil".

Arduino reading a packet of known length over a Serial port

The device accepts Serial API packets of known length (25 bytes).) It is necessary to write the entire packet to the byte arr ... se (only the first byte was normally written to the entire array) How do I make the entire one-time package fit in an array??

Bytes-translation from a string

data = "Hello".encode("utf-8") # перевод в байты I can't figure out the bytes... no matter how hard I try, Python gives me ... ет".encode("utf-8") # b'\xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82' Or do I have no idea about bytes? please explain

Encoding text to and from arbitrary binary code. Example: "A" < - > " 01100011"

I need to convert a string, for example "А", to a string of binary code, for example "01100011", then process a bit of binary ... this in Python 3? The question is how in Python to convert a string to binary code and back using any encoding algorithm?

Writing bytes to a data array (C#)

Let's say there is an array of data, there was some mathematical operation on these bytes and we need to save the result in a ... s of the array." Tell me how to solve this problem, so that you can write these results as bytes to another variable. Thanks!

Converting BinnaryFile to byte[] Russian letters are replaced with?

I create a binary file, then create a byte[] and send it to the server. The server logs that the Russian letters are replaced ... ; myBinary.Write(stream.ToArray()); myBinary.Close(); byte[] byteArray = File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\\file.dat");

Getting bits from bytes

For example, there are 8 bytes of data. There is a starting byte and a starting bit - where you need to get the information, ... gth 2 bits) Or for example, from the 3rd bit of the second byte, take 14 bits (that is, the second and third bytes are used)

Size of a character (ASCII vs other encodings) in bytes

Seeing this question I have a doubt, coming from PHP and in the past having" problems " derived from character encoding, ex ... n"; // 1 cout << sizeof(a) << "\n"; // 1 cout << sizeof('ã') << "\n"; // 4 } Where are we?

How to print the day numbers of each month using Array, String and byte?

I'm trying this code, but it doesn't work. public class MesDias { public static void main(String[] args) { // ... s.length(); ++x) for (int y=0; y<Dias.length; ++y) System.out.println(Mes[x] + " " + Dias[y]); } }

How to enumerate the position of a bit within a byte?

Where to start putting an ordinal numbering on a given byte, do I start counting the most significant(the left )or the least ... who is the digit in question? 1 or 0 ? Would Be Mode A or mode B? Mode A 1000 0000 8765 4321 Mode B 1000 0000 1234 5678

Is it possible to convert a 16-bit number to a single byte?

If I create the following expression: Int16 numero = 2017; byte m = (byte) numero; M will have the value of 225. Ok, how do I get 2017 from byte m (reverse operation) again?

Using "bytes" and " bits"

What is the use of bytes and bits ? I'm reading some C and C++ programming books that talk about bytes and I wanted to kno ... uble Ponto flutuante com 2x de precisão 8 bytes -1.7E38 a 1.7E38 (precisão de 16 dígitos) void vazio 0 bytes

What is a byte array?

What is byte array in Unity? I know we store data that can be converted to bytes.

Subtract dates and compare with value

I have two dates: DataAcesso and DataAtual of type DateTime. I have one more field called TempoAtualizacaoAutomatica from typ ... rking. Off: panel is off. Are two classes. Note that I will need to set items of one and the other for this method to work.