
"Invalid MD5 hash" during installation

The task was to put Apple iCal. All according to the instructions - git, . / bin/develop. Then we get to the point: No cache ... e local path as a Web address)? Thank you in advance! P.S. Please do not throw slippers, because I do not do this so often :3

How do I find out how many days there were in the last month? 30 or 31 [closed]

Closed. This question should be clarified or supplemented with details . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... in this month. Like this: int dayOfMnthMax = calendar.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); But I need in the past month.

Java. Calculating the elapsed years, months, and days between two dates

Good afternoon. Date intervals are given, for example: 28.01.2009 - 05.03.2013. The task is to calculate the exact number of ... ence /(24* 60 * 60 * 1000); System.out.println(days); The result should be presented as: Years: 7, Months: 5, Days: 10

Test date at least one day earlier

System that controls work orders, the moment I open a new work order call I close the previous order. If the previous work o ... error would happen. So how can I test if the date from the opening of the work order is at the minimum of the previous day?

How to calculate point cards

I am developing an application that matches the calculation of total hours worked on point cards, taking into account whether ... rintln("A: " + a); } } catch (Exception E) { E.printStackTrace(); } return a;//retorna o total }

Codeigniter; Calendaring Class: highlight the current month in an annual calendar

I made a method that writes a VIEW with a calendar table that shows all months of a year using the library Calendaring Class. ... , it modifies all labels of months: I am using the methods and patterns of basic tutorial (same code). Any suggestions?

How can I increment a day to a date in Java?

How best to increment a date of Type DD/MM/YYYY?