
What is the difference between Cast and Convert?

In a Transact-SQL book (Ramalho series) it is said: CAST AND CONVERT Implicitly converts one expression of data types to a ... is a synonym for CONVERT? What is the use orientation of one and the other? Is there a performance implication between both?

C++ conversion: what is the difference between static cast, dynamic cast, const cast and reinterpret cast?

What is the difference between the castings present in C++? There are the static_cast, dynamic_cast, const_cast and reinte ... een these? When to use each? C++ also supports cast in the style of the C language, how is it interpreted by the compiler?

Cast or direct cast functions. What is the best option?

In PHP, I realize that it is possible to do some things in countless ways. One of them that has come to my attention are the ... calling a constructor, is there a situation that you will actually need to use type conversion functions, rather than cast?

How to convert scientific notation to string with full number

What php function should I use to do this type of conversion? Convert: 1.3388383658903 and+18 to: 1338838365890273563 T ... 8838365890273563); $serializado = serialize($a); How to fix this when doing unserialize($serializado)? Example in ideone

Int field as string

I'm working on a code for a college job, but I'm having problems, despite the" house " being set to INT, netbeans continues t ... break; } jogo.varTabu(); System.out.printf("O campeão foi o " + jogo.ganhador(jogadas)); } }

C Cast vs C++ Cast

What is the difference between using C cast: float t = 5.0f; int v = (int)t; For C++cast: float t = 5.0f; int v = static_cast<int>(t);

What is Upcasting and downcasting in the Java language?

What Would downcasting and upcasting be in Java? Examples please.

Select with cast (numeric as decimal) works, but view creation does not

Good morning everyone! I currently work with postgresql and am doing a database migration, and I need to create a view of my ... ange View column data type" statistic_measure_quantity " from numeric(15,4) to numeric (15,3) Thank you for all your help!

Type declaration in parentheses

I am porting an application made in c to C++ and found the following function declaration: set_funcao(0, (double)pow((double)2, 32) ); What does the type in parentheses mean? Is the type of return acquired at the moment, i.e. a conversion?

Format decimal places directly in SQL command in Firebird

I have a table ESTOQUE containing a field called QTDE, this field has 3 decimal places. What would be the command to return ... SQL formatted with 3 boxes? For Integer Values are returning without the houses. I Use: Firebird 2.0 / Field: Decimal(15,3)

How to cast in Java?

This model is working, look at the figure! You may notice that you are concatenating two string variables as you can see i ... getCodigo() + " - ["+ pj.getDescricao() + "]"); listaRetorno.add(p); } } return listaRetorno; }

Casting The Return of Malloc (), Calloc () and Realloc () - C

According to the discussion of I cast the result of malloc?, in C it is not recommended or correct to cast Malloc () return. ... also apply to Calloc() and Realloc () functions? Taking advantage, the correct is to speak Cast, Casting or are both correct?

What does (Char)0 / (Char)8 / (Char)13 mean?

I'm doing a shopping program and found na on that same site. The answer to a problem I had, but did not understand what the ( ... else { e.KeyChar = (char)0; } } } } Follows the picture:

EXCEL - VBA-SQL-doubts in query using CAST

Hello, First of all I apologize to the ADM if there is any error in the formatting of the question, I am a novice here lol. I ... eference a named formatted table or just a named region in FROM, anyone who can help would be excellent. Thank you very much.

Java cast and convert

How do I convert ValueCallback<Uri> to ValueCallback<Uri[]>?