
Questions about using dynamic maps

My sister sells Avon and I decided to do a very simple thing which is her customer records. So far so good, but I would like ... k and paste in the browser it opens the link right, now if I put it inside a DIV or a IFRAME it does not load. How to solve?

Know region of the city from the zip code

I would like to know if someone has already solved a similar problem: in my system has a form and a zip code field, when the ... Example: the user will enter the zip code: 01505-010 and the system will tell which region of the city this zip code is from

is the ZIP code a unique ID in Brazil?

I own the official base of CEPs of Brazil, the e-DNE, sold by the post office. I need to create a new bank from it, and I wo ... e locations that use the same zip code for multiple addresses, I would like to know how to uniquely identify those locations.

Error in CEP query in PHP

I am trying to fix in PHP the URL that queries the ZIP code, when typing the ZIP code XXXXX-XXX The URL is showing the charac ... $dados['cidade'] = (string) $reg->cidade; $dados['estado'] = (string) $reg->uf; echo json_encode($dados); }

Transform local to zip code

Does anyone know a script in R, or could you help me put together one, which takes the name of a location and fetches the ZIP code of this one?