
Private or protected class in PHP

Is it possible to create a private or protected class in PHP in such a way as to allow access to its variables and functions ... only pure PHP The focus of the question is OOP, but it would be interesting to comment on the procedural-style equivalent

Know how many ports are open in Java program

I'm with a program in Java to know how many ports are open but I'm not knowing where to put the method to count the ports. Ca ... cont = cont + 1; } if(this.minhaPorta3.abreFecha(1)){ cont= cont + 1; } return cont; }

Builder of builder?

I would like to understand why this class has two constructors and why one of them is all within the same this and not sepa ... Constructor of the constructor: public Conta(Correntista correntista, String senha) { this(correntista, senha, 0); }

Association of several classes in Java

The project consists of a management system for a carrier, where an administrator manages trips, and these trips have drivers ... ) .append("\n\nPiloto que realizou a viagem: "+piloto.toString()); return info.toString(); } }

XSD for C# enum class

I am generating a class with XSD.EXE from a schema. I am summarizing the posting only the part of the schema that generates t ... eferring to the items of the defined enum equal to those of the attribute? Why in a real application would this be absurd ?

Differentiates between List and and return in Entity

Hello, I have a doubt when I will take the data from a SQL query, is there the possibility of pulling by list and by Entity, ... ility of each? public List<Usuario> buscarTodos(Usuario mod){...} public Usuario pesquisarUsuario(Usuario mod) {...}

Doubt in class diagram

Good afternoon. Follows the question about class diagram with the diagram I managed to do. Describe the class diagram for a ... ifficulty adding the methods, the ones I added in the are Client class and room correct? Are there others to add? Thank you!

What is explicit for in C++?

I came across the term explicit being used in a C++code. How useful is this keyword?

Accessing a file using Properties

I am working with a method that takes as argument an object of the Properties Class: public static void main(String[] args) ... array, and put it in a training variable [] []. How can I do that? I didn't quite understand how the properties class works.

What does a class diagram contain?

The title is a kind of stupid question, as the diagram name already answers. But yesterday this question popped into my head ... oped with JSF, would be the Bean). Is that right? I mean, it's not common to see a diagram like that, does it really exist?

How to make an interface in C++?

Java, C # and other languages have the concept of interface, which is quite useful in some circumstances. How to make an interface or the closest to it in C++?

Access config variables.php

I'm a beginner in php and I'm having a problem, I have a config file.php like this: <?php $config['dbHostname'] = 'local ... functions that would use these variables of config.php but I could not access them in any way, please could someone help me?

How to install rain TPL library?

Could someone show me an example as I put it here in my index.php in this way, more I believe it is outdated, with the curren ... "; //aqui o caminho da pasta que ficará o template raintpl::$cache_dir= $_GET ['r']."/tpm/"; // aqui onde armazenará o cache

CSS - how to remove rows around the button? [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... t;/div> <!-- Fim Menu Home --> </div> <!-- Fim Div Principal --> </body> </html>

How to check if a method exists in a class in Python?

How to check if a method exists in a class in Python? Is there a function that does this? class Test(object): def meth ... : pass For example, I would like to check through a condition if a certain method exists to call it if it exists.

What does "Inconsistent modifiers style" mean in Resharper?

Resharper is suggesting the following code modification: Obs: A classe Pagamento it has public methods. Why the suggestion internal and not public?

Class c++ has no member named

I am starting the development of a list list to represent an in-memory graph. I did only this first part and I am getting th ... =0; i < listNos->size(); i++){ if(listNos[i].getId() == id) return true; } return false; }

Software to create Class Diagram [closed]

closed . This question needs to be more objective and is not currently accepting answers. ... I would like to know what software used or if there is any online site for creating class diagrams, could someone point me?

How to represent a class diagram between manager and employee

Hello, guys I have a Food Truck type system and I need to know mainly the relationship of the manager and employee... Is my d ... of your personal data and requests in progress, released and deny. IV. can carry out sending SAC message to the Food Truck.

How can one CSS style class inherit from another class?

I have a class circulo with various properties: font and shape, etc and I have another class circulo1 with the size and color ... id="5" class="circulo1"> Tidbits5</div> <div id="6" class="circulo2">Tidbits6 </div> </div>