
CodeFirst Entity Framework database, 1-0..1.1-N

I have 3 tables and need to relate them via code (Code First) I would like to know how to do this. I already have the follo ... enharia /// </summary> public string UnidadeDeEngenharia{ get; set; } }//end TagAnalogico

What is the difference between Data Annotations and Fluent API?

What is the difference between Data Annotations and Fluent API? Is there any restriction between one or the other? Improve performance or are they just two ways to do the same thing?

Insert into 2 tables entity framwork - 1 to 1

I have two entities generated by the code-first wizard: Person [Table("pessoa")] public partial class pessoa { ... tadual": "0", "usuario": { "id": 4, "login": "gleyson", "senha": "123456", "ativo": "S" } }

Connection methods in ASP.NET [closed]

closed . This question is opinionated and is not accepting answers. ... ay in passing that it is a mask for SQL strings Why is it so discouraged to use all these items in an application DB First?

Code First One to Many can be null

My scenario: public class AlunoAvaliacao { public int AlunoAvaliacaoID { get; set; } public DateTime I ... erence of type 'Application.Color.Domain.Evaluate the question. I've tried modelBuilder... And nothing. Why this mistake?

Code First generating a foreign key

I have the following classes public class ControleDeVisitas { public virtual ICollection<TipoDeSistemas> TipoDeSi ... ControleDeVisitas"); HasKey(c => c.ControleDeVisitasId); HasMany(c => c.TipoDeSistemas); }