
Insert an empty space between a concatenation of strings in C, without the string library.h

I am implementing this code in order to receive two strings and compare them, if the two strings are different I concatenate ... } concatNome[j]='\0'; printf("Nome e sobrenome concatenados : %s\n", concatNome); } return 0; }

My question is about the error: 'function '" Was not declared in this scope"

I am creating a registration and login system as a form of practice, but I still find this error and although researched a li ... ut it works: if (attempt == password) { cout << "Logged in successfully. \n \n"; prompt(); }

error: ld returned 1 exit status C++

I wrote this code in C++ in Codeblocks with the Class Registrar_mores, but this is giving the error Error: ld returned 1 ... a:"; cin>>op; linha++; }while (op==1); } }; int main(){ Registrar_moradores p; p.cadastro(); }