
"Undefined reference" error when compiling in C

I have a simple program where when compiling da an error Undefined reference to'increment' / main.c: #include <st ... tar(int i) { return i++; } incrementar.c: int incrementar(int i) { return i++; } Note: I'm using Code:: Blocks.

Java - could not find main class

The code below does not compile: package app1; public class main{ public static void main(String args[]){ System.out ... I compile in the IDE (be it NetBeans or Eclipse) the code runs, but by the terminal goes wrong. I appreciate your attention.

Can a C compiler generate a 64-bit executable where pointers are 32-bits?

Most programs fit well in address space of less than 4GB, but in some cases the program may need to use the new processor fea ... bit features, while maintaining 32-bit pointers? I know this is only advantageous if this memory saving is really important.

How is a compiler made?

Is a compiler programmed in which language? Are all compilers of a language the same or can one exist better than another?

What is "build" and what is its relationship with the IDE?

In the area of software development has a term that appears very often that is build. It always came to me when I read about ... is concept (I may be wrong about it). I would like to know what is Build and what is the relationship it has with the IDE?

What is the difference between static and dynamic linkage?

Recently, researching why small codes in Go have a much larger executable than the same code generated in C, I read an answe ... ean? Is there any kind of advantage and/or disadvantage between the two alternatives beyond the final size of the executable?

Symbols at compile time

When compiling only with -c and viewing the symbols with $nm ficheiro.o, What does the Symbol C mean and what section is assi ... mon and that it is uninitiated date, but in what cases is this symbol assigned and what is the difference for the symbol B/b?

Program closing immediately after opening (Post compiled)

I'm starting to study Tkinter and compilation, and I have a basic notion of Python, and I'm having some problems. Here is an ... rsion='0.1',description='foda', options={'build_exe':{'packages':['tkinter']}}, executables=executables, )

Differences between compiling and recompiling?

Some IDEs like Visual Studio have the options to compile and recompile the project, what is the difference between the two and what do they perform differently? And when should each be used?

a function-definition is not allowed here before ' {'what does this error mean?

I am trying to compile my code, but the compilation returns the following error: A function-definition is not allowed he ... \t\tOpção: "); scanf("%d",&opcao); } Could someone please help me? Until yesterday the code ran perfectly.

What is a JITter?

In the context of software development what is a JITter? More and more is being talked about and several languages are using the much talked about JIT compilation. In what does it differ from a compiler?

Microsoft Visual Studio 2013-there were compilation errors. Do you want to continue and run the last successful build?

Personal Is this: I am developing a program Windows Form for desktop in C# using Visual Studio 2013. However, sometimes wh ... Default(false); Application.Run(new Form1()); } } } Folder Path: How can I resolve this error?

Why do 64-bit versions of the programs have better performance, stability and security?

Recently, Google announced that the dev version of Chrome is also available in 64-bit. It will probably also be available for ... ready test the 64-bit version of Chrome for Windows The Chromium Blog-Try out the new 64-bit Windows Canary and Dev channels

How to vectorize code in C++?

Would you like to know how to vectorize code in C++ ? because the material I found on the internet is a bit over the top abou ... en vectorized and if I use a-all instead of -optimized it returns me that many parts of the program have not been vectorized.

What is the difference between a Windows and Linux compiler and executable

When compiling a simple program for Linux, the compiler generates an executable that only works on Linux, but when compiling ... In which part of the compilation do the differences begin ? it is in the linkage part ? and why are there such differences ?

What is the difference between build and linkage?

Have I seen some representations where the Build is in the same place as when the linkage happens, are the two the same thing?

Error compiling a solution in C++ in visual studio 2017

I'm trying to compile a c ++ solution, but it's not working. Can anyone help me? I opened a visual studio 2008 solution in v ... ACRTIMP int __cdecl ilogb(_In_ double _X); Float.h: _Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _logb(_In_ double _X);

Build and build. What are the differences and when to use?

In some IDE's there are 2 options to generate an executable file: compile and perform a build. Both generate a new executable ... rom the source code, ready to run. What is the difference between the 2 processes? When to build and when to build a project?

Difference between Ahead-of-time and Just-In-Time Compilation

While reading about templates for ASP.NET I saw that one had support for AOT (Ahead of Time) and the other did not speak any ... because I didn't understand the process perfectly. How do the two mentioned above really work? Could you give me an example?

Problem in issue 1046 of the URI site

I am getting a compilation error in the Uri site judgment in issue 1046, despite it working perfectly in my Code Blocks. Issu ... duracao = 24; } printf("O JOGO DUROU %d HORA(S)\n", duracao); } return 0; } What could I have been wrong?