
How do I validate how many images have inside a TIFF file?

I want to do a validation in C # for when converting an image from TIFF to JPEG I can know if all the images have been conver ... en the TIFF and go counting I would like to know if there is a way to know how many images comes in the TIFF without opening.

How to convert a String to Int in Javascript?

HTML5: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>JSTest</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"&g ... earn JS so I wanted to know how to convert the received strings to int. Use firefox 47.0 comment if you need any information.

Convert String to Double keeping content

I need in Java to convert a String that has a binary value (Ex: "0111010") to a double. Test: String teste = "101010101"; d ... String. The double can even put dot somewhere, without problems, but it needs to keep the same binary and in the same order.

Converting an nvarchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in a value out of range

Line of code INSERT [dbo].[Shop_Goods] ([TemplateID], [Name], [Remark], [CategoryID], [Description], [Attack], [Defence], [ ... from the break. Wanted to know why the error, I'm running a query of almost 10 thousand lines and several gave this error.

How to convert data to dd/MM/yyyy format?

After I published my app, I started receiving the dates in the American format like this:9/14/2016 12:00:00 AM How to format for dd/MM/yyyy? Tried convert.ToDateTime() more does not work.

Why there is no String method.ToInt()?

String in C# it's an object, right? from what I saw a string is a class, different from int and other primitive types that ... re a String.ToInt() method to replace Int32.Parse()? If possible An explained of the types in general would be legal as well.

Convert number to date

Good afternoon, I would like to know, if there is how to convert number to date in PHP. Example, in Excel the number 42 ... valent to date 18-05-2017. And I can do the opposite, too. Is there any function in PHP, to which I can do this conversion?

How to transform str into int?

I tried turning the scoreboard into int like I did in JavaScript but it didn't work: placar = "0 x 0" print(int(placar)) I expected it to show 0 but it resulted in an error, how do I turn the scoreboard into int?

CAST for monetary value stored in text in MySQL

In the Bank product table there is a field valor that has the type varchar(255) Note the query: See SELECT valor ... 170.00 How can I perform a query by performing the conversion in decimal without losing the accuracy of the values ?

Change GIF size generated by FFMPEG

I am generating gifs using ffmpeg, in its latest version (at the time of this question), using the following code lines: ff ... is always presented at most with 120px wide. How do I specify the size? I tried putting -s alturaXlargura but it gives error.

How to convert a text to number?

How Should I convert a text that I know is an integer coming outwardly? It would be something like a ToInt() or something like that.

Convert data dd / mm / yyyy hh: mm: ss to YYYY / mm / dd

I have a date in the following format 14/12/2015 00:00:00 and I need to convert to 2015-12-14 how can I do this in SQL?

Conversion of variables type int to type char*. C++ [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... ountVariables2); } How Should I perform type conversion so that it is possible to perform concatenation of these variables?

How to convert a char to an integer?

Converting a string to an integer with the function atoi() is easy, isn't it? However, when I use the function atoi() to con ... program that is at runtime simply crashes. What would be the best way to turn a character (ex: '1') into an integer (ex: 1)?

Convert Unix TimeStamp to DateTime

I am trying to select the largest date in my table, however the dates are stored in Unix TimeStamp format in an integer type ... Arithmetic overflow error converting the expression for the type of datetime data. What am I doing wrong ? How to fix ?

Convert Int to String

I'm trying to make a button to register to the bank but I'm having trouble converting the int to String. Follows my line of ... ars in the line " f = new Funcionario(String.valueOf(jtxtFuncionario.getText())": String cannot be converted to string

How to convert int variable to string without eliminating zeros?

I need to perform in an activity the validation of the characters entered by the user. My Code: mes1 = int (input ('Digite ... "validate" variable, the zeros are disregarded. Ex: I enter month 12, all correct; I enter month 02, error. Error Image:

Convert double to string keeping the same format

I need to convert a value of type double to string in C#, without that value being changed to scientific notation. My code i ... or string resultado = "0.000024746578864525161" And not for scientific notation: string resultado = "2,8192381923E-15"

Convert float value to String

I'm programming for android, and I'm trying to display a float value found by the getX() function in a Toast, which only displays String values. How do I do this conversion?

Doubt about using the join method

I am doing a JavaScript Course and I have a question in one of the exercises. The following exercise follows: Given the ... the method, but I did not understand the use in this exercise, in case it would join those of the arrays in a single string?