
Copying files to a backup server via scp

Hello. The question is from the category "it works for everyone, but it doesn't work for me". Setting up copying files to a b ... 8 00:30:01 sss CROND[11806]: (root) CMD (/root/scp) But the files are not copied. What could be the problem, please tell me?

How do I execute the script at the exact time?

It is necessary to execute the script using the cron at the exact time (for example, at 14: 00:00), with the accuracy of a se ... ver time and calculate the remaining time, and then execute the necessary script. Is it possible to do this in a simpler way?

Rotation of logs by size

There is a setting logrotate for rotating logs when they reach 1GB. But the logs are not automatically rotated when they reac ... p; kill -HUP $(cat /run/ # postrotate script should always return 0 true endscript }

Setting up cron.php

Could you help us solve the problem? there is an advertising service, need to configure cron.php There are 2 functio ... $query = $mysqli->query("DELETE FROM `" . PREFIX . "_blocks_view` WHERE time_add < (CURDATE()-2)"); echo 1; }

Create a CRON job from PHP

Good time of day. My question is, is it really possible to create a job for CRON directly from PHP? That is, I want that whe ... act. And I would like to create only the necessary tasks, but at the same time so that they are created by the script itself.

Incron, tracking file deletion

There is a folder, when uploading files to it, the script is processed using incron with the IN_MODIFY modifier. What modifi ... ript/ The script itself is working. The only question is how to get incron to run the script when deleting a file.

Cron and percent sign

I write the crontab command in the file длинная команда $(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) продолжение When cron starts execution, it sees only this part of длинная команда $(date + Everything after + it doesn't see. How can this be overcome?

Bitrix: automatic site map creation (agent)

One of the options in Bitrix-1C is Google Sitemap. How do I create an agent that will create this sitemap automatically? There is, in view, that there to register, there it is necessary to register the code of some function...

Third-party software does not run from cron

Dear community. I'm at a dead end and I need someone to kick me in the back because I can't solve this problem myself. The ... path to aplikuha is complete. Please tell me what the cause may be and how to treat it? I am very grateful for all the ideas.

Delete files in the cron php folder

You need to clean the specified folder of files every 6 hours. I can't find a solution anywhere. Before that, I did not work with the crown

CRON run every 10 seconds

You need to run the crown every 10 seconds. The answer was found only in what would make 5 instances of the task and a slip for 10,20,30,40 and 50 seconds, respectively. But the problem is that I can't make a slip in the crown. Tell me how.

Parallel execution of PHP tasks

There is a file that runs every N minutes. When this file is run, something like this happens there: Displays a list of gro ... zens of files and put them in the CROWN task. But I think there is a much more elegant solution and in the end the right one.

Problem with running minion - Kohana3 / / Cron

I can't configure the module for the 3rd day and start it correctly, please help me with solving the problem. The whole prob ... s - and for the life of me it does not start. The command does not give the necessary answer - stupidly tag as I wrote above.

How do I run cron Jobs in PHP?

I wanted to use Cron Jobs in these php: titles.php <tr> <td bgcolor="<?=$highlight?>"> <? require('co ... not know what PTC Google search, Obs already created the cron jobs in CPanel: 59 23 * * * php -f /home/u844214382/cronjobs

Sending emails in bulk - PHPMailer

Good Morning! I own an email marketing system and am having trouble performing a newsletter trigger for a large list of cont ... 2; $enviado = $mail->Send(); $mail->ClearAllRecipients(); $mail->ClearAttachments(); }

Configure Cronjob to run every 5 minutes, when it is between 5 and 20 hours

I need to make a setup for my cronjob to work every 5 minutes. However, if the time of day is before 5and greater than 20 I d ... is: 0,30 * * * * php ~/pasta/para/app/artisan queue:work What change should I make to make it work the way I want it to?

What are CRON JOBS and how to use them with PHP [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... inutes the button reactivates. I hope you explain what cron is and a basic example of how to do what I want, you understand?

Run Cronjob Codeigniter

How to run a method of a class in Codeigniter via CronJob? Ex: principal.php accessed in ... public function listaCron() { file_put_contents("teste.txt", "Crontab executado em: ".date(‘d/m/Y H:i’)); } }

Delete automatic files

Good Guys, I have a system, where practically daily are sent via uploads pdf files. After a while you get a lot of accumulate ... ed as explained. I did tests with 1 minute, I Up Files, I waited 1 minute.. upei a few more, went to delete and deleted all.

Background routine for data compilation is a good idea?

The Last company I worked for had some very peculiar rules, these are not as common(as far as I know) in other IT companies. ... he compilation I have the sum of all records. What do you think is a good idea? Or do you have a technical problem with it?