
What is the fundamental difference between DirectX and the DirectX SDK?

Hello. I recently started studying DirectX, and I have a question. To write programs that use direct access to the video devi ... eded to create it? And how exactly does DirectX differ from DirectX SDK? I apologize in advance if I wrote something wrong.

What is the difference between OpenGL, DirectX, OpenCL, CUDA?

I apologize for a very stupid question, but what is the difference between OpenCL and DirectX, OpenGL, CUDA? why is there a c ... ed up calculations with it. I would like to know the difference between these technologies and what is responsible for what?

Using DirectX in C#

I wrote a program in C# (8-point square, rotations, scaling, reset). Now I need to redo it for DirectX, which I don't know an ... bout at all... I don't even know how to connect it, could you recommend a very simple lecture to complete this simple task...

Directx 9 screen capture c#

Trying to get an image via a hook from DirectX 9. For the hook, I use the EndScene function. Next, using SharpDX, I try to ex ... lem-the screen screen is sometimes flipped. I don't know how to fix it. not strong in DirectX. Tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Graphics in C++ [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... h a graphical interface. Use C++ in conjunction with OpenGL or DirectX. Tell me where you can get information on this topic.

How does the combination of OpenGL rendering from under DirectX work in Windows?

As far as I know, the graphics output in Windows older than XP is done using DirectX technology. And what happens if OpenGL o ... output area is passed to DirectX and then everything is rendered using DirectX. Tell me, how does everything really happen?

C# get the frame time of any application using the GPU

I want to write a program that will check the frame rate of any application. My goal is to log FPS and time of each frame. I ... . Are there ready-made solutions in the form of DLLs for getting information about the frames of third-party applications?

What is the difference and advantages of OpenGL, and DirectX over each other and when to use?

I have entered some sites and some speak well of OpenGL for being cross-platform, others defending the use of directx due to ... ifferences between one and the other in terms of performance and ease of Use and when it is most indicated the use of each a.

Pulling Print Screen C#

There is a game called Tibia (in Window Mode same) that when trying to take a print screen the game ends up obfuscating the i ... ic extern IntPtr ReleaseDC(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr hDc); } Is there any other way to take print and avoid this obfuscation?