
What is the difference between promises and async await

I don't understand why it's better to use async/await instead of Promise. What does it do? Can you explain?

Why Proxy and Reflect in JavaScript, what is the difference and when and what to use?

What are Proxies useful for, and how often are they used in real development? It is also unclear about the reflexes, it turns out that this is almost the same. It is not clear why both exist at the same time.

Prototype and proto what is it all about?

I came across this picture: The picture shows that we have some kind of function(I understand the constructor, here I would ... ype. The question is difficult to formulate, because I do not understand what these 2 different prototypes are. Can you chew?

How do I add a class when clicking on pure JS?

How do I add, for example, to an element with the "main" class the "main--main-bg" class when clicking on an element with the ... g ready on the Internet on pure JS, and for the sake of this, I don't want to download the whole jQuery, because it's stupid.

ECMAScript Specification or programming language?

Russian version ECMAScript is an embeddable extensible with no tools I / O programming language used as the basis for ... how, than after 20 minutes of JavaScript (a) to go to the frameworks and try to understand how everything works there - _ -

What is the difference between ECMAScript and JavaScript? [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... I hear the term ECMAScript a lot, ES5, ES6 , linked to the JavaScript language. There is similarity between these two Terms ?