
What does the "=> " operator mean?

I was seeing some solutions in JavaScript and in one case I saw this command line: return args.reduce((s, v) => s + v, 0);. But I don't know what the => Operator means. What is its function?

How to scroll through an object in javascript?

How to scroll through the object below with javascript? (in the same way that arrays are traversed with map ()). var obj = { ... : "Coluna 06", "column07": "Coluna 07", "column08": "Coluna 08", "column09": "Coluna 09", "column10": "Coluna 10" };

What is the definition of verbose code? And why is it interesting to reduce it?

I have recently heard about verbose code reduction (along with the term boiler plate code), and also when studying ES6 when f ... o arrow-functions. Would you like a clearer definition of what verbose code would be? And why is it interesting to reduce it?

What is the difference between map () and lenght ()?

I was studying and this code appeared: var materials = [ 'Hydrogen', 'Helium', 'Lithium', 'Beryllium' ]; ... of letters of each word, but how does that happen? If the map function returns the" words " of the array and the lenght too ?

Is there any method for me to create page translations with Javascript or Typescript?

I would like to know if there is any method for me to create my own static page translations with Javascript.

What is transpilation?

I started reading an article about EcmaScript 6 and came across the term Transpilation , which in Portuguese would be trans ... life that I have come across this term. What does that mean? Does this trans have to do with translating code or something?

Is" use strict " still useful with the new features brought in EcmaScript 6?

EcmaScript 6 features let and const, which prevent variables from being unintentionally redeclared and overwritten, as well a ... on is: with these changes in this new version is it still useful to use the use strict directive at the beginning of scripts?

Use of IIFE in ES6

In ES5 it is considered good practice to use IIFE to force a local scope in our code. EX: (function(){ // some code })(); In ES6 is this still necessary? Once the keyword let has been introduced for variable declaration? Thank you.

What does "Tree-Shaking" mean?

I closely monitor the entire development of Angular. I know that the third generation of the render engine (the Ivy , codenam ... can it be used in other TypeScript projects? (from what I read There is a correlation between TypeScript and this technique)

Why are literal objects declared with const in JavaScript currently?

Because of EcmaScript 6 I see examples that declare literal objects with the reserved word const. Code example: // Versão ... ame name by forgetting? PS: the doubt is not about literal objects, but about this practice of using const to declare them.

Is EcmaScript 6 supported by current browsers?

Can EcmaScript 6 features available in JavaScript already be used in a way that is supported by current browsers? I would like to know if this version is already supported as a whole (and not just specific features of it).

JQuery vs. arrow functions events?

When executing the following code: $("button").on("click", function(){ console.log("Meu valor é: " + $(this).val() ... event cases since ES6 isn'T something as new as this (also called ECMAScript 2015) released in June 2015 (almost 3 years!)?

What is and what is the "Proxy" constructor in JavaScript for?

I know the constructor Proxy has been added In Version 6 of JavaScript (ES6). My questions are: what is it? what is its main purpose and how to use it?

What does this reticence mean in the array? [duplicate]

this question already has an answer here : ... } function getHiddenHTML(el) { return _toArray(el.childNodes).reduce(function(txt, node){ //results });

Why does TypeScript when compiled, convert "let" to " var " in variables?

If let variavel = "valor"; is also supported in JavaScript, because in TypeScript compilation, it transforms to var variavel ... onsole.log(y); //Irá resultar 3 porque o escopo do 'let' abrangiu apenas o bloco, diferente da atribuição na expressão if. }

Use of "import" reserved word in javascript

Reading the Code of Ghost, NodeJS-based CMS platform I found a file with the following statement: import Ember from 'ember' ... ses Ember with already we can see in this import and the file if you want to consult is this one, code for Ghost on GitHub

Doubts with EcmaScript 6 exercise

This ECMAScript exercise talks about creating two classes, one of user (where email and password entry will occur), another o ... [email protected]", "senha123"); console.log(User1.isAdmin()); //retornará false console.log(Adm1.isAdmin()); //retornará true