
.NET Core auto executable

After creating my first console application with .NET Core on Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2017 I copied to my server Linux- ... eding dotnet to execute. How do I do it? I wish to execute like this: Windows > minhaApp.exe Linux $ ./minhaApp

How to create an executable from python

I'm doing a service where I have to make a program that does reading and creating files with numeric data. The problem I have ... y GUI application!", options={"build_exe": build_exe_options}, executables=[Executable("240117.py", base=base)])

How to create executable program in PHP?

Is it possible for me to create a program for my company that is executable, only with PHP and MySQL? Or I will need other languages like C, Java, etc. In case the program is internal only.

Redeem code from an executable program?

I created a program to present in college, but due to problems in my HD, I lost its code and only have the executable I creat ... I need to know if it is possible to redeem without having to create the entire program again. I'm using Visual Studio 2013.

How do the icons of a program not have to be in a resource folder or something?

I'm using Java, but it's a pretty general question, actually. When I load an image as a program icon (program icon, save, lo ... AutoCAD, etc.) generally do not have, at least apparently, a folder with the icons used in the program? How does this happen?

How does JVM, Java, JDK and JRE work?

Can Java compile to .exe? All operating system, such as Windows, MacOS, Linux, etc. already comes with the JVM installed to ... g the program b.exe already comes with the built-in JVM? Why to use a Java program needs JRE, and to develop it needs a JDK?

How to configure compatibility mode.exe by prompt?

I am creating an application in electron, but notifications only work if the application is running in Windows 7 compatibilit ... t to run when running the application, so that the user does not have to perform this activity manually. Can anyone help me?

scapy installation without the need for a graphical interface or file.exe

Your Friends, I'm having a little problem, I'm creating a python script with scapy and npcap (which is requirement for the op ... e, if I want to run the script on another windows that already has Python 2.7 installed, just copy the Scapy and npcap files?

What is the difference between a Windows and Linux compiler and executable

When compiling a simple program for Linux, the compiler generates an executable that only works on Linux, but when compiling ... In which part of the compilation do the differences begin ? it is in the linkage part ? and why are there such differences ?

Why don't files show their bits?

For example, I open a file .exe with notepad and see instead of 100101 I see a lot strange characters why this? What characte ... ry? How can I see the bits of a file and maybe edit them? If right edit one .exe can I program in binary? Even if it's hard.

Convert arquivos.py for files.exe [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... an application in .py format to .exe and run on windows? I tried using cx_freeze but couldn't. How to create a converter? Be.

End process and open again by.bat

My problem is currently the following, I have an executable that has the function of employee access control, but due to some ... is possible? .bat: taskkill /f /im ACCA.exe Executable path: c:\exe\ACCA.exe Since now I thank any and all help,