
Place favicon on multiple pages on the same site

Is it possible for me to use a different favicon for each page of a site? For example, I have a site with ten pages, I want to put a different favicon on each of the pages.

Is it a good practice to have all sizes of favicons, and include all rel links in HTML?

I have always used only favicon.ico in the pages HTML, with it in the root and with the respective link rel in the HEAD: &l ... the /, and all these links rels and meta names in the HTML code of all pages of the site, both for usability and performance?

Does the operating system cache the PWA application icons automatically?

I am creating a PWA and one of the doubts I have is if I need to cache all the icons that are in the file of manifest. I use ... keeps except, in case I wouldn't have why cachea it. But I did not find anything on the internet that corroborates this view