
Using predefined value in HTML5 [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... nk. <input type="text" name="anterior" id="anterior" size="13" maxlength="50" disabled="disabled" value"123456,78" />

Why is the use of frames and iframes considered bad practice?

Well, I started developing WEB a short time, say 1 year.. and here in the company we use a lot frames and iframes... I know t ... is its replacement in the view of HTML5? If for HTML5 the frames are deprecated, you should have a plausible answer of why.

Contact form does not send message - UOL Host

The form even takes the data after we click on submit, sends the user to a thank you page but the message does not reach the ... ("location:retorno-email.html?envio=enviado"); ?> My site is on a UOL server, I don't understand what might be going on.

Serialize with pure JavaScript

Using jQuery I can use the method .serialize() to return in string form all the items of the form with their respective value ... ider that the above form is just a basic example. We form may have other elements, such as select, textarea, button etc.

Success message after sending message by form

I want a message to appear on the same page after filling out the form and clicking on the "Send" button stating that the con ... $mail = mail($nome,$email,$assunto,$msg); if($mail){ echo("Enviado com sucesso!"); }else{ echo("Erro!"); } ?>

Display sessionStorage data in a div

I am doing an activity that consists of recording data obtained from a form in sessionStorage with The Register button, and w ... ML += npar; result.innerHTML += npro; result.innerHTML += nreg; }else{ alert("Nada foi Gravado!"); } }

PHP form validation in Contact form 7

I am setting up a form in WordPress and I need to validate bank details, CPF, Bank Number, Agency among others, and I use the ... in this plugin. The documentation and the FAQ of the plugin do not explain how to do this. Does anyone have a suggestion?

Specify last line for form filling-VBA

I am making a form and I want the person to register only 6x (only 6 lines) the content. How to limit this amount ? As abo ... pty Linha = Linha + 1** But how to change to stop filling in line 90 ? (Starts at line 85 and I want to stop at 90)

What is the difference between Text Box and Input?

I'm making a medium fidelity prototype in the Pencil application and would like to know what the difference between a Text Box field and the Input and when to use them: Thank you!

How to get text from a select with formBuilder? - Angular 6

I would like to take the value of the text and not the 'value' of the select. <div class="form-group col-md-3"> ... iveElement.focus() return this.products } I need to take the value of the text and the value of the value (id, name).

How to make drawing control objects faster in a C form#

In a form, in desktop c#, constant moves of certain controls occur. In this case I am using objects of type PictureBox, but ... recommended to use another control object for this? And how do you make the movement of certain control done asynchronously?

Function reset form in JS does not work

The button clears the form but does not perform the rest of the functions function reset() { var form = document. ... e.focus(); } } <button type="button" class="btn btn-dark btn-lg" onclick="reset();">Limpar</button>

How to call a function in an HTML form?

Hello, I need help, I'm creating a javascript program that should receive the input data (height and width) via Form HTML an ... te(area); } </script> </body> </html>

How to validate an input?

I have a form that sends the values entered in the input to another page. I want to make a validation between the inputs, if ... ipt: if(document.getElementById("time_debut").value > document.getElementById("time_fin").value){ alert("Maior"); }

Display the numeric keypad when an input receives focus on the mobile version

I am developing a web interface with HTML5, CSS3 and the Bootstrap 3 framework, and using the type="number" in the <input& ... How do I adapt or field type="text" so that on smartphones the native numeric keypad is displayed instead of the "qwerty".

Should fieldset element be used only in form?

Can the <fieldset> element only be used in forms for your content organization and grouping or can I use anywhere in the code?

Bootstrap form layout

I'm trying to make a form with bootstrap in which it will have a title field, a state field, a field for content, field for t ... > 'btn btn-primary')); ?> </div> <?php $this->endWidget(); ?> </div><!-- form -->

Problem with input type="email" in Chrome

I have a page that loads a contact form via Ajax on a div. It turns out that if I put some invalid character in the email fie ... e, does anyone have any idea how to solve that? Edit I tested Chome on two different machines and the result was the same.

Conditions for form using bootstrap 4

How do I create a condition in a form using Bootstrap 4 ? I have the following Form: <form id="createusers" class="nee ... the form tag to do this validation, but it does not display the message I put "passwords do not check". How do I do this ?

Set current date in PHP and put in HTML value in an input type = 'date'

I tried as follows but it doesn't work <form action="add.php" method="POST" name="form1"> <div class= ... om">Adicionar <i class="fa fa-plus"></i></button> </form> It ignores the value Part