
Intersection point of straight lines [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... ограмма, видимо где то терялась тысячную часть ответа...! всем спасибо за помощь I think that the question can be closed...

Maximum number of rectangles that can fit in another rectangle

Given a figure (A) of size M by N. Given a second figure (B), smaller, size K by L. You need to determine how many pieces B ... ow * figures_per_col) + (invers_figures_per_row * invers_figures_per_col); }()); return Math.max(total1, total2); }

Calculating the area of a shape

You need to calculate the area of a two-dimensional shape (triangle or square). public double GetArea() { double area = ... ; } I set the location of the points in hourly order or vice versa, but, in my opinion, the area is calculated incorrectly.

Intersection of moving spheres

Good afternoon. Please help with the solution of the problem: There is a function for finding the intersection of two segment ... , the distance becomes not correct: I can't solve this problem. What do I need to calculate\add to account for this offset?

How do I find the intersection area of two rectangles?

There are two rectangles whose sides are parallel to the axes and they intersect. We know: (x1,y1) - the lower-left point of ... int of the second rectangle And you need to find the area of their intersection. But they can intersect from different sides.

Drawing a cycloid on ZedGraph / Chart

I got up before the question, there is a simple formula expressing the X coordinate of the graph of the curve of the Cycloid. ... ybe I did not take into account the period, or that Acos returns a value in radians? I experimented, but it didn't work out.

Find the angle between three points

It is necessary to determine the angle of point C relative to two points A and B, points A and B form a "segment" that can be ... arity, figure: And the second task, having an angle, is to find a point at the same angle but at the radius of the "view".

Equation of a circle in space

There is a task to derive the equation (find several points) of a circle from the point of the center and the normal of the p ... cle on the plane, to get (X,Y,Z) by "rotating" the axes of interdependence from N(A,B,C) but how to implement this question..

How do I find the area where the circles intersect?

You need to find the area of intersection of two circles (I took the formula here): S = S1 + S2 Where, R1 - radiu ... 3; y2 = 0; r2 = 4) It should be equal to approximately 9.57019, but I have something incomprehensible output: -1.#IND00

Intersection of a segment and an ellipse

Given a segment of two points A and B (each point has coordinates). Given an ellipse (so far, I set the upper-left point, le ... e I can't think of anything. If possible, you need code in java, if not - give me a solution, and I'll write the code myself.

How to determine the area of a triangle by its coordinates?

The problem is as follows: enter 6 numbers – the coordinates of the three vertices of the triangle. You need to find its area ... = math.sqrt((x2 - x3) ** 2 + (y2 - y3) ** 2) p = (a + b + c) / 2 res = math.sqrt(p * (p - a) * (p - b) * (p - c)) print(res)

How do I find a point on a segment?

I have a segment with known coordinates of the ends. There is a point on this segment. I know the distance from the beginning ... egment is approximately 3.16. And there is a point with(?,?) on the segment. How do I find the coordinates if A to C =1.8 ???

Determining the visibility of a segment

Given N segments on the plane with the origin in (0, 0), respectively, the location of which can be absolutely any The last ... it does not take into account the case when the left and right parts of the red segment are closed and the middle is visible

Subtracting vectors in the polar coordinate system

There are two vectors A and B, defined by length and angle (from 0 to 360 degrees). We need to find the angle of the vector C ... c = asin(sin(v1.angle + PI - v2.angle) * v2.value / z) - v1.angle; // --угол(по теореме синусов) return{ c,sqrt(z) }; }

Under what condition can an equilateral triangle be placed in a square?

Let there be a square with side a and an equilateral triangle with side b. Let's imagine a square as a kind of hole area on ... e placed in it? The rules for entering are absolutely any, while the triangle can be rotated and moved as you like in space.

How do I find the distance between a point and an arc on a sphere?

Hello. Let's say I have 3 geographical coordinates given by latitude and longitude, the first two of which form an arc, and the third lies outside of it. Is there a way to find the closest point on the arc to the third point and the distance to it?

Euclidean geometry. Distance from point to segment

The coordinates of two points are set. They describe a segment. The coordinates of another point are set. Find the distance ... he number of tests passed did not change. Testing system: http://informatics.mccme.ru/mod/statements/view3.php?chapterid=279

Triangulations of a polygon

Here is the text of the user sercxjo (https://ru.stackoverflow.com/a/167434/177188) If the number of vertices is Select t ... al corners. Since this check is not performed, very complex shapes are processed not true. Please explain it in other words.

Formula for finding the third vertex of a right triangle

Guys. Not good at mathematical transformations. Maybe someone has a ready-made formula for finding the coordinates of the thi ... s, but there the devil will break his leg... Maybe there are already ready-made formulas for finding the x and y points with?

Check whether a point belongs to the shaded area

Hello, it's me again. In general, the task is as follows: you need to count points from the file and check whether each point ... The data is as follows: Quasrat side length: 4. Diameter circles: 2. Coordinates of the center of the circle: (0, 0).