
Installing Linux (LUKS, LVM) on a computer with UEFI

There is a laptop with UEFI. You must install the Linux distribution - Debian - with full encryption and LVM. I mark up the ... d not do this, because its task, in my opinion , is to start the kernel). Tell, please, how to handle this-start the system?

Kali linux stopped loading

Accidentally deleted the file vmlinuz-4.19.0-kali5-amd64 and did not notice it immediately when rebooting, it throws an error ... -amd64 файл не найден. Is it possible to download this file separately somewhere, or do you still need to reinstall the OS ?

Problems installing manjaro linux

Some time ago, I asked a question here about switching to Linux. I want to try to sit on this system as the main one, and it ... started normally. Who is interested which PC . Maybe my answer will be useful to someone. I found the solution on this forum.

Adding Windows to GRUB2

Installed Debian 6.0.5 on top of Windows XP. The Windows selection menu in grub did not appear. I understand that this is not ... dows" { set root=(hd0,2) chainloader +1 } Another big mistake, I forgot to write update-grub and put the symbol "}"

Installing grub2 on GPT via UEFI

Hello, Rootcode. I try to put grub2 on a disk marked up under GPT on a machine with UEFI support, after which I ’successfully ... ge you can see: the system does not reach grub2 loading. Maybe someone has an idea what I did wrong and how to deal with it?

The GRUB console starts after installing Debian

Installed Debian 10 (10.3) on a laptop with UEFI/GPT. But the system does not start. Before that, I created a boot image on ... UEFI) and reinstalled the system. The problem persisted, but the (hd0, gp1) directory with the debian files appeared in efi.

How can I install grub in Linux mint via the terminal?

The question is: after installing Linux mint, the system logo itself is displayed when the system boots! and the system itself is fully loaded and functions only the grub interface is missing.

Windows is not visible in Grub 2

I had Windows on my computer, I installed fedora 15, and Windows stopped displaying in Grub 2. What to do, how to return it to the selection menu?

How do I install multiple Live CDs on a USB stick?

Yes: 8 GB flash drive, split into 4 partitions (FAT32 for intended use, NTFS for Alkid live CD, and two ext2 partitions for ... ard disk, respectively, I can not load any of the live cds. I couldn't fix grub.cfg manually... Can anyone know the solution?

/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of 'overlay'

After installing Windows on a Linux hard drive, my MBR flew. I searched and searched, and found a way to put GRUB in its plac ... /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of `overlay'. How to solve it? Or am I writing the wrong commands?

GRUB+Windows: How do I restore the ability to select at boot? [duplicate]

This question has already been answered here: ... he selection option at boot. Thank you in advance. P.S was XP, now seven is installed. Where and what you need edit?

grub can't see Windows 10

The other day I put an SSD-shnik on my computer. Since I use Windows for Il-2 and similar purposes, I decided to place Window ... gard, the second question is - how can I see the log of grub? After all, when it works, the file systems are not mounted yet!

How to set up on the first Linux hard drive on the second Windows

There was a need for two operating systems to be available on the same computer: Linux and Windows. I want both systems to be ... ng. Who has it similar experience of setting up or any thoughts on this matter, I am very much waiting for your comments.

I installed Ubuntu next to windows 10, but only windows loads and there is no choice to boot the system

I installed Ubuntu next to Windows 10, but only windows loads and there is no choice to boot the system, I chose the 1st item ... nstallation was successful, I rebooted the computer, windows booted and there is no choice of the system to boot, what to do?

How do I add a Windows boot to grub?

I have a hard drive that has Windows installed on it. I tried installing Fedora on a new hard drive. Now I can choose in the ... I doing wrong and how do I add a selection two oss in the bootloader? UPD: Fedora loads in EFI, and Windows loads in Legacy

Windows 7 does not start in the Grub2 bootloader

There was Windows 7 on the sda2 partition. I decided to install Ubuntu 16.04. I put it on the extended sda4 partition (sda5 ... in fact it is it is on sda2. Please tell me how you can fix the grub2 bootloader to run Windows7. File /boot/grub/grub. cfg

How do I set the order of systems in grub?

There are 3 systems: Windows, Linux Mint, and Debian. Now the download list looks something like this: Windows Debian Допол ... /etc/grub.d/03_os-prober ### So, it finds Windows and Debian together and manipulating the file order will lead to nothing?

The Arch Linux graphical shell does not start

Such a problem. I built Arch Linux, installed a graphical shell Mate and LXDM. After I enabled LXDM via the systemctl enable ... er set: pacman-S xorg xorg-server, Mate: pacman-S mate mate-extra, LXDM: pacman-S lxdm. Please tell me how to fix it. Thanks.

Add windows to grub2

I had to install Ubuntu 18.04 after Windows. I lost Windows from grub. I used" Boot Recovery " to return the hornbeam to the ... chainloader /EFI/microsoft/BOOT/bootmgfw.efi } Help create the correct setup. Windows is located in /dev/sda2 (Drive C).

How to restore GRUB?

There was Linux Mint and Windows 7. Windows flew off. Reinstalled Windows and rubbed grub. Is it possible to restore the boot sector for linux without reinstalling it ?