
How to calculate MD5 hash and SHA1 hash for an unordered finite set

Good time of day. Task: implement the hashMd5() method for a class representing a NON-ORDERED finite set so that it returns a ... ays will be obtained and therefore different MD5 hashes will be calculated. Question: actually, how can I solve this problem?

The dependence of HashSet on the redefinition of equals() and hashCode () for the elements of the set

I was given the task to make two different objects of the User class with the same fields and 4 options for adding them to Ha ... d how it still works. What is the idea of the HashSet class when identifying what is considered a duplicate and what is not?

How is hashCode used in HashSet/HashMap?

In the JavaRush lecture " The implementation of the Set, Queue interface " says the following: Using hash codes allows yo ... the hashCode() method, you run the risk that your the object in the Set collection will not be found, even if it is there.

Verify that Java List has duplicate object attributes

I need help to create a logic that checks if certain attributes of an object, stored in a List<Object>, exist more than ... } else { System.out.println("TESTE"); } } } return listaAux; }