
Print without confirmation window in PHP, Javascript or Ajax

I have a non-tax Zebra TLP 2844 thermal printer, and I am developing a password generation program to print on that printer. ... need to print without opening the printer choice window, so I thought about this method. Could someone point me another one?

Print image on LX300+II Matrix ESC/P printer using Java / Android

I'm plugging a printer LX300+II via cable USB directly into a mobile device Android, I can print text normally, as I already ... ] {slice}); } } offset += 24; rtn = concat(rtn , new byte[] {10}); } return rtn;

Format layout for printing on Zebra printer

I managed to print on a zebra RW 420 printer, but I do not know how to format the texts, I looked at the documentation to sen ... til.internal.StringUtilities$1', referenced from method com.zebra.sdk.util.internal.StringUtilities.convertKeyValueJsonToMap

Remove printer dialog-PrintJob Java

In a Java application I do the printing by means of PrintJob, but the way I do the printing when calling the print method it ... j.getGraphics(); ...Aqui vai os dados impressos... g.dispose(); pj.end(); } f.dispose(); }

How to print a page directly, without a browser dialog, using Javascript?

How to print, that is, send a page directly to physical printing, without displaying the browser dialog before? I see a lot of examples on the internet but they all ask for print confirmation.

How to fetch the default printer and print plain text on a matrix printer no.NET?

We have a thermal printer that does not support printing graphic elements - in this case I will have to send simple texts to ... destination of the output of the text a print. So: in .NET, how can I fetch the default printer and print "raw" texts on it?

How to send text to the printer with PHP and Javascript?

I need to print a text that is not necessarily contained in the html document on a printer installed on the client, I need to ... rint would be sent to a zebra thermal label printer that uses EPL language, so I can not send the html document for printing.

How to print to matrix printer on the client with a web application?

I have an application made in c# MVC with a routine to print a simple text on the standard printer. The method RawPrinterHelp ... ew PrinterSettings()).PrinterName; return RawPrinterHelper.SendStringToPrinter(nomeImpressoraPadrao, conteudo); }

Printing in PHP

I am developing an inventory management system for enterprise and the customer needs the system to print the labels on a spec ... ehow send the commands. The same cannot be used by me since the system is in PHP and I cannot get this data from the printer.

How to avoid abrupt page break when printing an html table

I am developing an html page, to be printed later. But when printing I could notice that the breaking of pages in the middle ... <td>Data 3</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> * coment of table </p>