
What is the difference between GB and GiB?

What is the difference between GB and GiB information units?

How to determine the base of the number system of a number?

118924 in 10 numeral system = 350214 in x numeral system, how to find x? if possible, then more comfortable

Adding negative numbers

Tell me how to add two negative numbers in the septenary number system? -555(7)+-444(7)

Find the length of the longest sequence consisting of R characters

A text file consists of no more than 10^6 characters L, D, and R. Determine the length of the longest sequence consisting of ... F.close () R = open ('result.txt', 'wt') R.write (str (max (A))) R.close () print ('Файл result.txt записан') Help who can

Implementation of the traveling salesman problem in C++

Tell me which way to think: the program reads a text file in which the map is drawn with numbers (0-road, 1-building, 2-store ... all the stores go back to the warehouse. I think to draw a map in SFML, how do you suggest to build and calculate the route?

k-th ordinal statistics

You need to find all k-th ordinal statistics in the range from k1 to k2 inclusive . The input is the size of the array n k1 a ... т, но не корректно работает на отрезке от 1 до 3 Не могу понять что не правильно сделал помогите уже 3-ий день сижу над этим

How to calculate the number of combinations of text in Russian with a length of 1000 characters?

There are 400,000 words in Russian. The average word length in Russian is 5.28 characters. The semantic content of the text d ... rested in the maximum number of combinations. How to estimate the number of possible texts with a length of 1000 characters?

how to start developing a CPU emulator?

I have this task in front of me: Develop a processor emulator, create an assembly language for it, and write several program ... n write switch if add - > add, if mul - > multiply, etc. Please tell me, at least the direction of thoughts is correct?