
What is technological uniqueness?

Whenever I read any NEWS related to artificial intelligence I came up with the word singularity, and along with it comes such ... from the field of computing. So I would like to have this my doubt healed. Doubt What would technological uniqueness be?

What Are path search algorithms?

In college studies, I came across path-finding algorithms. The theoretical part confused me a lot and I am limited to unders ... there? Which ones are most used? In addition to the famous Google on Google Maps, where more than these algorithms are used?

What defines a Neural network as being Perceptron?

I think it's important to talk about artificial intelligence, I searched here in stack overflow and found nothing relevant a ... Network, associative memory , among others. But the question here is what differentiates a Network Perceptron from too much?

What function to see the distance from tank to wall in robocode?

I am trying to implement in robocode sourcecode (for those who do not know, follow the link: ... public void onHitByBullet(HitByBulletEvent e) { } public void onHitWall(HitWallEvent e) { } }

Algorithm question a*

Hello guys I am doing a list of exercise on Search A * but I do not have the answer, I would like to know if my answer is correct. Follows in image the question and my answer. Answer

How is the basic operation of the A*algorithm?

I am Reading about the A* search algorithm to be able to implement it in the future. I know it is used to find a path in a g ... raph? is there any mathematical formula used in this algorithm? If yes, Which one? What kind of data structure does it use?

Neural networks can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'

Hello, I need to implement a perceptron to linearly classify 2 species (Iris). I've scoured the internet for solutions and c ... self.w_[1:]) + self.w_[0] 26 27 def predict(self, X): TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'

What is Bias in neural networks?

In my Artificial Intelligence class the teacher addressed the subject about neural networks, which in the case, neural networ ... fused regarding neural networks and I would like to have this doubt clarify. Doubt What would Bias be about neural networks?

Artificial intelligence for games in Unity

I'm creating a game in unity, and I'm wanting to do some bosses, only for this I need to study artificial intelligence, and I ... h! Recommend places to study this! I am very thirsty for knowledge and I learn fast, I just need the right source or sources.

Help me consume IBM Watson NLU API

Yesterday I watched a video of a guy who consumed Watson'S (IBM cloud) Natural Language Understanding API with JS using Node ... efeae7731 / X-DP-Watson-Tran-ID: gateway02-4272846641 | error: { "error": "no features specified", 'code': 400 })'

Problem creating minimax in chess game

I'm coding a chess game in pure C only. The game itself is ready, I have been trying for some time to develop the minimax alg ... ere the edges serve only to guide the player from where to play, like a naval battle... A, B, C, D... it's 1, 2, 3, 4... etc.

Can we create Artificial intelligence in any language?

About Artificial Intelligence, I would like to know superficially , thinking of starting knowledge in this area: can any language be created in? basically, what would be the concept that defines a code as IA ? is there a standard ?

How to check if Sliding puzzle is solvable?

Hello, I am developing a small work where I need through the algorithm a * solve a puzzle, more precisely this puzzle: B ... code. The configuration of the game grid is a array containing the sequence of number. Ex. [5, 3, 2, 1, 4, 6, 8, 7, ""]

How to separate similar images (Pyhton / Machine Learning)

Purpose: to separate images with equal characteristics from a folder with multiple images (exp: foto1, foto2, foto3, foto4 ... in the part I studied, I believe it would be something in the style : machine learning - > unsupervised - > grouping.

MLP neural network training

Hello, I am developing a neural network for recognition of 5 geometric figures: Circle, star, Pentagon, Square and Triangle. ... figure pattern, and the result of the error lines was the next: Is there a possibility that I will improve a little more?

What is the significance of the mutation rate in genetic algorithms?

Hello. Let's say I set a mutation rate of 5% in an AG. What does that mean? What do I iterate over the entire population a ... ntire population, including the selected parents, or only to the offspring? The second option is biologically more plausible.

(Clarification) artificial intelligence word classification (Python) [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... ef edits2(word): //"All edits that are two edits away from `word`." return (e2 for e1 in edits1(word) for e2 in edits1(e1))