
IE 10-11 doesn't see conditional comments

I connect it in the header <!--[if IE]> <style> .headerbg{ background: #000; height: 150px; width: 100% ... how to fix it, just in case <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">

How do I enable Javascript for apps and games in Internet Explorer?

I have a problem: games and applications in Internet Explorer do not open, the inscription appears: You have Javascript ... Load the flash, you need to install the ActiveX Control elements to load it. I can't find it in the information panel.

(WinHttp.WinHttpRequest): Error supporting secure channels

We need the help of experts. I created a Telegram bot in 1C 8.2 with the usual forms, for a while the bot received user mess ... / x-www-form-urlencoded; charset = Windows-1251"); WinHttp.Send(); PS (IE Version 8 ) maybe because of this?

The angle is 45 degrees at the div

Friends, maybe someone has faced a similar task... It is necessary to cut the corners of the div (upper-left and lower-right) ... e way to cure this? I could make the corners for example a picture, but behind the blocks there is a background-image color (

Applets stopped working in Internet Explorer 11

In general, the situation is as follows: I am involved in the development of a website using applets. Environment: Inte ... d on the same revision of the same project. Guys, please help me. I really do not want to resort to reinstalling the system.

Google Chrome and IE11 give an error when downloading a text file

When migrating a web server ASP.Net Web Forms applications from a single phys.users of Google Chrome and Internet Explorer 11 ... me nor FireFox changes. In the "MIME Types" settings of the ASP application in IIS - .txt text/plain Унаследовано

How to remove the default animation of clicking on the button in IE 9, 10, 11?

In IE 9, 10, 11 jump button when clicked. The margin: 0 and padding: 0 properties on the :active and :focus pseudo-classes do not solve the problem. Example of sliding buttons on the video:

How to split three div's: left, center, and right with the blocks aligned vertically

Faced with the following problem: having centered the blocks vertically, I tried to spread them to the left/center/right. Whe ... ; основное меню </div> <div class="auth"> авторизация </div> </div>

Maximum url length in IE

I read on the web that the maximum url length in IE is 2048 characters. But, for some reason, for a request with a url of onl ... Is there any way to get around this error without changing the folder structure? That is, so that the path remains the same?

Textarea disabled and IE

Good time of day! Problem: in IE, when textarea is disabled, if background-color is not equal to white, then the text is "hig ... ke a div, or remove disabled, and put a div on top, but I would like to remove this one in IE through CSS. It's disgusting...

Save JavaScript generated IE file using VBA

Dear, I am using the routine to access a page and download a file, which uses javascript to be generated, but I need this fil ... message from SaveAs and needed this option to be "clicked" automatically, or better yet, to be saved in a specific location.

Google chrome and IE images

I'm making a website in HTML. When opening the image, in PNG format, in Google Chrome (below) it appears correctly and when o ... " width="60%" height="8%" style="vertical-align: middle; padding-right: 8px;" > Can anyone help me with this situation?

VBA-select a file to attach in email

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, this is my first question. I never did, because I always find the answer in some forum, b ... Start > PAUSE_TIME DoEvents Loop End Sub I'm sorry if I was too verbose! Right now, thank you for your attention.

How to extract data from the internet by VBA

I am trying to extract a specific table from a site and paste into a spreadsheet to daily update a database. But since it is ... iate sheet/cells - HERE Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2:H1000").ClearContents Sheets("PPG").Select Range("A2").Select End Sub

How to force elements to appear below in IE?

In Internet Explorer, when I click on <select> the list appears on top of it, instead of standing underneath. Tried t ... t I could manipulate <option> this way, but it didn't even move. Is there a way to edit option even if it's only in IE?

Firing a JavaScript in the Console tab in Internet Explorer (F12) Developer Tools

Please, I'm trying to make a combobox visible within a page. I'm using Internet Explorer with " F12 "(Developer Tools) tab" ... the value of the "CC" item from select and then fire an event so that the internal javascript shows the next one combobox?!?