
do pwa sites work on iphone as on android?

Good night everyone!!! My question is this: sites made with PWA work the same way on iphone and ipad, as on android? is any change required for iphone? No More, thank you for your attention!!!

Reading of aquivo.xlsm (Excel) from my app

How do I read a .xlsm file (Excel spreadsheet) from my app? Basically I need to get the data from this spreadsheet. Take the ... anything native for me to do this reading? Any library for reference? In case of example, it can be in Objective-C or Swift.

Send Whatsapp message by Link on website

I would like to know how to send a message by a link to a certain number. I've been able to do for Android, but for iPhone it ... <a href="intent://send/123456789#Intent;scheme=smsto;package=com.whatsapp;action=android.intent.action.SENDTO;end">