
OneToOne JPA 2.2 unidirectional mapping

Hello, guys. I am using JPA + hibernate 4 on top of the database structure (MySQL 5.6) below. I am in doubt in the relations ... rivate BigDecimal percentDamageHit; @Column(name = "id_body_part) private Integer idBodyPart; // get and set }

Error starting C3P0 connection pool

I configured C3P0 and when starting the error below occurs. WARN [com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.BasicResourcePool] with.m ... va:1870) at with.mchange.v2.async.ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner$ (

Null service instance with @ Autowired

Hello, guys. I am making a webservice rest SpringBoot application with JAVA. I need a method to run from time to time. For th ... a lot. I leave here the solution:

Using the JPA repository

Last Saturday I presented my CBT in college and saw that I need to improve the project presented. The system receives invoice ... my classes implemented as a repository extend it? And work together with service? Would they have any example code or link?

How to make Hibernate "realize" that the value of a column was set by the database

My Table in the database has a column that is automatically populated by the database itself. This table is mapped as a clas ... fresh(objeto) right after persist() --- it works, but this makes hibernate reread all database properties (ie. inefficient).