
PyQt bind the size of the elements to the size of the window

I have a complex menu in PyQt made in Qt Designer: here. It consists of MplCanvas and QGroupBox. I need to make sure that wh ... and I would like it to be on the first and work Tab for the transition to data entry, is it possible to configure it somehow?

Why Pixel perfect layout?

Why write a pixel perfect layout? I understand that Position: relative and negative margin are used for this. This is from on ... ally boring work for the layout designer. Explain your vision and the need to use it, and do you use it in your work? Thanks.

Select layout for a form in Java

I can't select Layout for JFrame. The task is to arrange the elements(panels) in the form as here The panels will be diffe ... t but aligned in width. I tried it GridLayout, GridBagLayout and FlowLayout while there was a continuous dance of components.

BoxLayout doesn't work

Hello everyone. I need to create a window that will automatically add elements under each other (test, questions will be read ... 23123123")); for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) test1Panel.add(new JButton("123123123123123123")); } }

Custom-shaped CSS blocks

I've been making up for a long time, but this is the first time I've seen such a block. Googled, didn't find anything special there. How can this be done ?

Responsive Menu with grid layout

I'm learning grid and responsive layout and don't know the best way that I could create a "hamburger menu" with it. So far I ... ow how to put the menu in the space that's left here is the exercise link: Https:// / Can you help?

how to order JPanel in different positions?

Which Layout manager should I use to be able to position the panels as in the illustrative image below. Edit: I have the cl ... new JPanel(); JLabel teste = new JLabel("Painel 03"); painel.add(teste); return painel; } }

Positioning components within a JFrame

I'm trying to position some components on a screen, but it's not working very well. So I created a kind of simple example, to ... -> { TesteLayout layout = new TesteLayout(); layout.setVisible(true); }); } }

Positioning components using GridBagLayout

I'm making a panel and I want to have the following layout: The width of the panel occupies the entire width of the frame, ... panel with the buttons are centered. I'm trying to learn how to use GridBagLayout, so I may be making some primary mistake.

Fixed Div when shrinking the screen

I am developing the following website: However, when you decrease the screen, the div where the form is is breaking. She needs to be fixed. Help me?

How to add eye view password in Android Studio?

I created a login form in my app and would like to put the eye button so that it can display the login field characters as pe ... marginTop="366dp" android:text="Acessar" android:textColor="#0684ec" android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"/>

How to load a view inside a layout?

I'm trying to load a view inside a layout , Follow my controller below: class IndexController extends BaseController { ... View::make('admin.index'); } } But it is returning the following error: Attempt to assign property of non-object

Generate billet in php Banco santander

Greetings, I'm in a tricky situation. I have a simple web system where the remittances of the tickets are generated by Banc ... a limitation. If you can guide me if I'm making a mistake or any path so I can troubleshoot the problem I will be grateful.

Tools for prototype mobile App [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... le application, prior to its development? Even paper, some tool to draw what would be the screens and their navigations, etc.

Problem with position and size of components

I'm making a program using the wizard, the famous "click and drag". Much of the project I'm doing on my computer, and I use t ... as any form to standardize this, regardless of the computer, make the screen open in full screen and fit as per the desktop.

Flutter - how to change the size of a TextField correctly?

I want to leave my TextField with a specified height, but when the user types a text larger than the field this happens which ... tColor2()), borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(60) ), labelText: 'Seu Nome', ), ), )

CSS: header and body positioning

Personal talk, I'm messing with CSS for a personal blog I intend to create. But I'm having trouble understanding some aspect ... page, it is not filling the entire page, and is with a header spacing (image below). Why does this occur? How can I solve?

Centralize text within a fixed HTML CSS header

Guys it may seem silly, but I can not Center the text of my menu(it is a little more down than up), I have tried padding, ali ... src="../_imagens/renomear2.jpg"><br> </p> <article> </div> </body> </html>

Flutter - how to use ScrollView correctly when displaying the keyboard?

I've seen several videos on youtube about it but in my code it doesn't work like in the video. I've looked at some questions ... .toUpperCase(), ), ), ), //Anexo Container(... ... ] ) )

Flutter Container filling full screen with rounded edges

I would like to know how I make a layout similar to the images below in flutter. I tried using a container, but it did not po ... Text("Hu"), ], )), ) ], ), ), );