
How do I create an image from its text representation?

If you add an image somewhere in the Lazarus IDE and save the project, it will be saved as text in the project's .lfm file. H ... s own color, and contains the following colors (hex): 4800FF, ED1C24, FFFFFF, 3F48CC, 000000, 00FFFF, 00FF21, FF006E, FFD800

How to make a pass through the ring queue correctly?

How do I make a pass through the queue to display the information of this queue? You can't just run through the array from ... ients[i].GetNameClient+#10#13; result:=result+Clients[i].FullInfoOperationsWithDeposits+#10#13; end else end; end; end;

How do I translate an assembly function into pascal code?

There is a function written for Delphi, with an assembler insert, you need to translate it into pascal, the lack of deep know ... LD N255 FMUL FWAIT Push esp FSUB N04 FISTP dword ptr [esp] POP eax @End: end;

ASM Inserts iDIV

//Pascal NumX:=-40; //Assm MOV EAX,NumX MOV ECX,4 IDIV ECX MOV IntPart, EAX Why does IntPart return 1073741815?

Connect android app to a software installed on pc to transfer file

I will start the development of a software in lazarus and an application for android. I would like to know if there is any li ... t but I could not find any reference that guides in this direction. Does anyone know where I can find a reference to do this?

CGI is out of use, but what if I want to make a secure web system on an intranet? [closed]

closed . This question is opinionated and is not accepting answers. ... I confess that it is very laborious, especially maintenance, it becomes a bit disheartening when the project begins to grow.

How to put white / transparent background on PNG image that is with black background

I'm using this code in lazarus but at the time of saving it shows a black part like the one in the image, I wanted it to be w ... ng.Assign(bmp); png.SaveToFile(SavepictureDialog1.Filename); end; finally bmp.Free; png.Free; end; end;`

Lazarus IDE: importing images into the project

I have recently migrated from Delphi XE6 to Lazarus IDE, and since I am not used to the new platform I would like to know how ... he Pascal code). Note: I intend to use the images in a TImage object and set in the picture property. I appreciate it now.